ifeminists.com: 'Another man victimized by the DV industry'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I frequently receive stories similar to the following one. Unfortunately, there is no advice I can offer the fellow who has become another victim of the unreasonable and brutal DV industry. ...

My story briefly:

November 4, 2009 6 AM - My wife had a seizure due to a medication problem and fell out of bed. I called 911. EMS decided I'd been beaten her over the head, although there was no head trauma. They kept me away from her and called the police, who detained me and ruled the incident accidental. Still the the EMS workers insisted she'd been beaten and fabricated stories about an imaginary bloody bat and blood on my shoes (I'd just woken up).

The Trauma Room nurse treated me like a felon and would not talk to me about her condition (even though there were certain medical facts only I knew) or let me in, although my wife was in critical condition and had stopped breathing a few times, to my knowledge. Finally, my wife regained consciousness and I was allowed into the Trauma Room. When it became obvious that the was medication, not trauma related, the Trauma Nurse insisted that the erroneous and damning EMS diagnosis had to remain on the file, although it was wrong.
I saved my wife's life and ended up being treated like a felon. I think it's time the public knew what really goes on with EMS. I'm trying to get the media interested in my story. I'd appreciate any advice or tips you have.'

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What goes on with EMS? How about, what goes on with men being accused of DV?


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Thank goodness it wasn't their kid (if they have any) probably would have CPS'd them.

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