Cathy Young: 'Tiger Woods, Gender & Domestic Violence'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chastising men's rights groups for using the Tiger Woods story to promote awareness of men as victims of domestic violence, Rosin dismisses the female abuser as a myth unsupported by "sociological research." Never mind that some of the most prominent sociologists specializing in domestic violence research, such as Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire, have written extensively about abuse as a two-way street (though recognizing that male violence poses a higher risk of harm).

A review of hundreds of studies, published in 2000 by British psychologist John Archer of the University of Central Lancashire, found that women are as likely to initiate partner violence as men and that male victims account for a third of domestic violence injuries. But Rosin ignores this vast research, much of it done by women, in favor of a single "expert" on "the myth of the battered husband syndrome": Jack Straton, an assistant professor of University Studies at Portland State University whose Ph.D. is in quantum physics and whose background in domestic violence is that of a feminist activist, not a scholar.

Yes, Rosin admits, there are some female perpetrators, but generally "women tend to use violence as self defense, or impulsively, not as a systematic method of control the way male abusers do": while "they may slap a man or throw a cup of water at him," they are "less likely" to engage in real abuse. Therefore, she concludes, if Elin Nordegren really did assault her husband, the best course of action for him is to show "chivalry" and cover up for her.'

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The loser's "Ph.D. is in quantum physics "?

Maybe he used the Uncertainty Principle in his study. Then again, maybe he's just another ivory-tower egghead freak who's a chivalrist to boot. Nerds can carry a girl's books, you know.


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"although male violence causes greater harm"

The temptation to sneak that in there must have been irresistable.


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"although male violence causes greater harm"

Yeah, I see how using a shotgun while sleeping causes 'less harm.'


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"Domestic abuse may not be a "50/50 issue," as some men's rights activists claim."

And it seems to me that Young is implying here that "I am not one of THOSE people who make exaggerated claims like that. I am sane."

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Young is making sure nobody mistakes her for an MRA. In her book Ceasefire! she compared MRAs to radfems. As a critic of and apologist for feminism, some of her writings are useful, but never mistake her for a friend of the movement.

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When I was a child my mother used to hit and kick me, long before I went to school. It is either fortunate, or unfortunate, that my memory is still intact. What was really telling is that she quit hitting me, as she said it hurt her hands and feet. Instead she would sic my father on me when he came home from work, a daily affair. She would wait, and smile as he did what he was told to do. That pattern lasted until my father died when I was 12, although not daily as I grew. My mother used all of her skills to divide my father and me. She would laugh at me, and tell me that my father didn't love me, so why did I care? But all the while she was the one controlling him. I paid attention when I was a child, to others lives, because I knew something was wrong. I noticed that most men were run by their wives, period. I listened to my mothers conversations on the phone, she talked on the phone, smoked cigs, ate candy and drank coffee, almost all day when the old man was at work. I learned. Training. It is the bane of modern society, that and the power that women have had for centuries used to keep men down, and women as well. My only hope is that women will wake up one day and realize that they have helped not only keep men down, but themselves as well. Somebody has to break the chain. I did break mine.

David A. DeLong

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" In her book Ceasefire! she compared MRAs to radfems"

Are you certain about that? If so, she loses most of her credibility in my eyes. The reason is that although she is spreading the fact that DV is 'gender-neutral', she is more than cancelling that out by spreading lies about men's groups, which of course reduces our effectiveness in getting the DV word out.

In other words, she causes 'net harm' to men.


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