Tiger's Women Cash In - How Much They've Made Selling Their Stories
Article here. Excerpt:
'Being a mistress of a famous sports star is a part-time job but it pays full-time money!
Just ask all the women who are capitalizing on their affairs with Tiger Woods. A RadarOnline.com investigation has uncovered how much they’ve earned off the scandal so far for making their affair details public after staying in the background while romancing the married golf star.
The story of Uchitel’s affair with Tiger was broken by the National Enquirer, but Uchitel vehemently denied it publicly. The Enquirer caught her in a series of lies and contradictions, however, and she then hired power attorney Gloria Allred. It was clear that Uchitel was entertaining offers to sell her story to the highest bidder and received bids in the low six-figure range. But RadarOnline.com has learned that Tiger’s wife Elin called Uchitel the night Woods crashed his car and confronted her about their relationship.
Uchitel denied the affair to Elin and later told Tiger that she had protected him. It was Tiger who made the decision to pay her off.
So what about the other so called mistresses? No dollar figure has been attached to any of them, and the porn star who claims a relationship with Tiger has not provided any proof. An Orlando lawyer is representing an as-yet unnamed woman and has not named a price.
So the grand total for being Tiger’s mistress right now stands at a range of $1,210,000 to $3,210,000.'
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Cui bono?
"Cui bono?" a wiser man than me once asked, a long time ago.
In a measurable, material way, all of the "tigresses", as I have heard them called, stand to gain. Tiger's "long-suffering" wife does, too. The only one who stands to lose (and lose he is doing) is Tiger. Was he a sucker for, arguably, being played by one or more of the women he had sex with, letting his status and libido get the better of him? Yes. Is it not uncommon for such successful and wealthy men, especially those not used to it in life (ie, who grew up poor or middle-class), to make such mistakes? Absolutely, whether you feel his mistake was in being unfaithful, or in getting caught doing it, or even in marrying a woman he was not 1000% sure he would be happy with in life. (And let's not forget women who are in similar positions are known to behave the same way, but for some strange reason, seem to get overlooked much of the time by reporters and society alike).
But any way you slice it, can the intentions of "the women" in this drama be exempt from examination? Not in any fairness to ALL parties involved. And there remains the unaddressed matter of the fact that is not disputed, which is that on top of standing to lose the bulk of his life's earnings and place in the sports world, he is also the most public male DV victim I can recall, and the matter of how he was attacked by his wife remains utterly unaddressed both in the mainstream media and by the law.
Cui bono, indeed.
Didn't Lewinski get a
Didn't Lewinski get a relatively high-profile job because of her fame? I thought I read that somehwere.
Famous men better start having more affairs, to help out women both financially and career-wise. If they do not do this, they are discriminating.
So the grand total for being
So the grand total for being Tiger’s mistress right now stands at a range of $1,210,000 to $3,210,000.'
It is amazing that a tiny two inch square invaginated region of a female's crotch area could be so damned expensive.