Amanda Knox sobs as guilty verdict read

Story here. Excerpt:

'Perugia, Italy (CNN) -- An Italian jury has found American student Amanda Knox and her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito guilty in the stabbing death of British exchange student Meredith Kercher.

Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison and Sollecito was sentenced to 25 years.

Both were convicted on all charges except theft and together must pay 5 million euros ($7.4 million) to the victim's family. In addition, Knox must pay 40,000 euros ($60,000) to a man whom she falsely accused of the killing.

Knox, wearing a lime jacket, her hair in a single braid, began to sob -- her sniffles and sobs punctuating the otherwise silent courtroom -- as the judge read the verdict quietly, without expression.'

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How soon they forget. The Telegraph, 12/7/2007:

"But Knox, writing under the name Foxy Knoxy, also reveals a different side to her character with a series of short stories - one concerns a stalker and another talks about the drugging and rape of a young woman.

In the latter, an older brother Edgar, challenges his younger brother Kyle over a woman called Victoria.

His brother responds, laughing: "Icky Vicky, huh? Jeez, Edgar. You had me going there. A thing you have to know about chicks is that they don't know what they want," before attacking him.

Detectives currently questioning Knox are expected to trawl through the blogs, and every element of her life, in the coming days, looking for any clues as to how an average young woman at the beginning one of the most exciting periods of her life might have been caught up in murderous sexual violence."

Now 12/6/09, 2 years almost to the day:

"Now, two years and one month later, after a year-long trial that has been, by turn, confusing, conflicting and frustratingly complicated, her murderers face lengthy jail sentences. In the early hours of yesterday morning Amanda Knox collapsed sobbing into the arms of her solicitor as the jury at her trial for the murder returned a guilty verdict. Shaking uncontrollably, she screamed: ‘‘No, no,’’ as she and her Italian former boyfriend, Raff Sollecito, were given respective sentences of 26 and 25 years.

But while the Kercher family spoke of their relief that justice had finally been done for their beloved daughter, there are those who remain unconvinced that Knox, infamous for her self-styled soubriquet Foxy Knoxy, is truly guilty. For many, niggling queries remain over inconclusive forensics and unexplained actions."

The pic in the 2007 article is not so much racy as it is a poise of unflappability, of confidence. The pic from the 2009 article however conveys a certain innocence or perhaps naivete, conveyed by the implication of looking over one's shoulder - that one is clueless about what is going on around them and so must look around. They caught her child-like acne in the pic, too. Nice touch.

So, two very different images from the same news source about the same case. And two very different reporting tones, yes?

I knew back then (in 2007) that this would unfold this way, and eventually bottom out into a case of Poor Dearism. Now there'll be appeals and protests, and, smelling a chance to cultivate public relations and go after an easy target (far easier than Afghanistan), you guessed it, the Hildebeast will start to meddle, hoping way beyond hope she can do something for her current boss rather than face a 2010 replacement (which I give a 50/50 chance of happening by June 2010). But why stop there? Maybe, just maybe, she'll get another shot at the Big Chair in 2012 (though why she'd want it, I dunno), showing that Janie-come-lately Sarah Palin a thing or two! Yep-er!

But back to Miss Amanda... heck, we may even see a NOW press release about it in support of seeking "justice for women". She will become a cause celebre! Watch for the accusations of mistreatment or sexual abuse by the Italian police, too.

My crystal ball's on fire tonight. :)

Like0 Dislike0 that the presence of a female victim will keep Hitlary and NOW out of this. Male victim, different story.

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