Statewide survey shows "ball tapping" problem widespread

Article here. Bizarre. But when kids see it on TV without condemnation (but loads of canned laughs), no surprise, they think there's nothing wrong with it. Excerpt:

'It's a disturbing game with devastating consequences, and a new WTHR survey suggests it is rampant in Indiana schools.

"Ball tapping" is the act of intentionally hitting or kicking a male in the genitals. Earlier this month, an Eyewitness News investigation showed the game has become commonplace in some area schools, resulting in serious injuries for students.

As part of the investigation, WTHR also conducted a statewide survey of school nurses. The results are in, and they show the problem of ball tapping is more common and widespread than many school officials had realized.

Conway says the Eyewitness News investigation and survey should be "a real wakeup call" to schools and school nurses across Indiana. She says the IASN board of directors will further research the issue because Conway believes more education and awareness is needed for teachers, administrators and school nurses to help protect students. 52% of school nurses who completed the 13 Investigates survey said they had never heard of ball tapping prior to learning of WTHR's investigation.

"I'm surprised nothing has really been said about it," admitted Conway. "I think any issue that impacts health in a permanent way needs to be addressed."'

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So why aren't these "ball tappers" charged with criminal assault and prosecuted? What is so damned difficult to understand about this? Having a good talk with the "ball tappers" as the article implies as the solution will just not do it.

Of course if the current fad was to "cunt tap" then all hell would break loose and special draconian legislation would be enacted to make the punishment fit the crime!

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Anyone familiar with any mainstream pop movie tailored to middle school age boys for last decade or so, should know that these shows commonly have light hearted displays of "ball tapping" - a few shows that come to mind are the Jackass movies put out by MTV and Superbad - which was a huge commercial success, had ball tapping as the bonding element among the young boys.

I have always felt that the traditional characteristics of what it is to be a man has been severely diluted. Now movies depict geeky boys pre-occupied with meeting girls celebrating blows to the crotch as a means of " one-uping" a bad deed when delivered from a female or as a "bonding" among peers. Odd. Really odd.

Obviously, the popularity of this attack indicates that there is something very much wrong with the message being sent to younger males in society. I suggest the victim of the attack should be allowed to protect himself with whatever means necessary and with maximum malice as this is assault, and sexual assault. If someone attacks you, smash them with whatever means possible to make it stop. If a similar thing were to happen to a girl, the school systems would be hell bent on passing laws to throw the violators out.

It is assault, but we know that it will not be enforced by the powers that be, as males do not get such protections...

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I don't think that putting the boys engaging in this behavior need to be put in prison. We have enough boys and men that society has written off sitting in cells already. We do need to re-educate them, and society as a whole that this type of shit is not funny or acceptable.

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