Female reporter in Florida stands up to praise, sympathize with boot camp nurse

In this article which appears in todays St. Petersburg Times, reporter Abbie Vansickle does not highlight the fact that Kristen Anne Schmidt had 5 jobs in her first three years after graduating from nursing school.

Also it turns out that her husband divorced her in 1992, because she was having an affair with a fellow employee.

As well as telling us about Schmidt's virtually perfect work record, the article also has the obligatory sympathy-raising statements about Schmidt's personal life, telling us about Scmidt's two kids (who she has custody of, needless to say), and how her 'house is decorated with Christmas lights'.

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No one involved with this incident is excused, including the person who runs (ran?) the camp. But what is wrong here is that any waivers should be given to anyone involved. They were all there, all responsible to whatever degree for what happened, all should be held commensurately accountable. But "the nurse" won't be since she was, after all, clothed in white, and a mother to boot (no pun intended). Justice will be denied, just watch.

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Remember that misandric piece of 80's filth starring Jodi Foster, where the men who stood around while she was raped did jail time because they didn't stop someone else from committing the crime? The portrayal of all men as violent, impulsive sexual predators was nice, too, as was the suggestion that we as men have some automatic responsibility to protect these supposedly "equal" creatures known as women.

Anyhow, I don't suppose the same ludicrous standard of responsibility will be applied to a woman who had a professional DUTY to care for the people involved. Of course not - IOKIYAW! (That's "it's OK if you're a woman"). Handles the double standards nicely, don't you think?

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