Tiger, Elin, and the ol' prenup thing

Apparently Elin and Tiger Woods are in the process of renegotiating their prenuptual agreement. The original prenup was worth $20 million, but this article reports that eventually she could receive a total of $75 million.

What exactly has Elin done that would entitle her to these astronomical sums of money? Their relationship looks very much like a financial transaction, and not a loving engagement between two people who want to make a life together. And why does Tiger Woods feel as though he needs to renegotiate the prenup? Isn't Elin already receiving an indecent and outrageous sum of money? Evidently Tiger wants to make it up to her, or keep her quiet, or something like that... How exactly is this any different from what Heather Mills did to Paul McCartney? She made off with about $50 million from McCartney. For what? What on earth makes these women entitled to so much money, money that they did not earn?

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Well-written piece by Jason Whitlock here essentially pointing out that rich successful guys (and gals) are notorious for running around on their mates, so is it any surprise? Not ideal, but basically, one shouldn't be surprised to discover this inconvenient truth about one's mate. At least he had the courage to point out wealthy/successful females do the same thing.

But I submitted the following comment to him as feedback to the essay. I think he left one very large glaring hole open in this analysis, as follows:

"Reverse the sexes here. Would anyone suggest he should be forgiven for an act of DV "just because" his wife confessed to her affairs? That he didn't "really get hurt" makes no difference. Also, would she have gotten a ticket for attempting to flee a violent spouse? I really doubt it.

Also, I find it curious there is a pre-nup going in the direction of $ -> Elin but no mention of $ -> Tiger should she do something unacceptable in their marriage. Curious indeed, or maybe there was? We'll never know, since it's a private contract-- except when she wants to make him pay for his misdeeds, then the fact that it is getting "renegotiated" is made public.

The 2x-standard about Tiger vis-a-vis the press, but in general re the sexes, is glaring but almost wholly overlooked."

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When you follow this kind of stuff it seems as if the play had already been written doesn't it? How many men have we seen that were in movies, sports, or business that didn't have the "right" family heritage, not color I'm speaking about here, and they are bled publicly. As if the sharks were already in place, and the female players split the booty when it is all over. It almost seems as if it were an American institution, the fleecing of productive good men who are set up by those they think love them.

David A. DeLong

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This case reveals how much guilt Tiger apparently has about his extra-marital affairs: about $55 million worth of guilt. That's a hell of a lot of guilt! Why is it that we Americans crucify men when they have affairs, and make them pay for it (in this case, pay the big bucks)? But when women have affairs, we call them liberated because they give themselves license to follow their heart, or progressive because they are doing something new and different, or courageous because they are going against traditional values. Let's just admit that people have affairs, and that it's not so unusual. Men don't need to feel so bad about it; they are doing what comes naturally. Men really need to look at how they give their money away, their moral standing away, and their self-determination away in an effort to please women, in an effort to live up to the high standards that women set for men.

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She made off with about $50 million from McCartney. For what? What on earth makes these women entitled to so much money, money that they did not earn?

The reason for justifying looting a man's bank account is because women have a 2 inch square invaginated region in their crotch area. It evidently makes all the difference in the world!

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Now there's news that Tiger Wood's wife could receive $300 million in a divorce settlement:


A sample of a few other amazingly large settlements that husbands recently paid their ex-wives:

Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan paid $150 million to ex-wife Juanita.

Energy company founder Michael Polsky paid $184 million to his homemaker ex-wife Maya.

Princess Diana received $34 million when she divorced Prince Charles.

Why is it always the woman who makes out like a bandit? My Internet searches failed to turn up even one instances of a man receiving similar large amounts as a result of a divorce from a rich wife. Why is that?

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Behind every rich man, regardless of how he got his wealth, is a supportive woman who deserves a share of what he was given. (And an oppressive Patriarchy, of course). Every rich woman made it on her own, fighting against sexism every step of the way, and deserves to keep what she has earned.

The first assumption has some truth (and a good deal of falsity), and is built into existing law. The second assumption is more .... suspect, but is being built into law as fast as feminists and their helpers can make precedent. The idea is to build into law that whatever a man does, he owes a woman. When that task is completed, any time a man and a woman have a relationship other than formally platonic, the woman will own the man.

Just another example of wealth redistribution.

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For "Gold Digger"

This renegotiation of the the pre-nup makes her motives obvious to the world.

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Tiger renegotiated the prenup not because of "$55 million worth of guilt" but because of $55 million worth of reality that otherwise he'd lose his beloved children.

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Even the great Tiger Woods could not escape the payment of pussy tax!

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I can not see how a great sporting talent in a man can owe anything to a woman. May be if his coach was a woman ( God forbid) there might be some merit in the argument. But a wife! Never! Wives are filth of the highest order.

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