Woods receives fine, and case closed

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. – Tiger Woods will be cited for careless driving in a car crash outside his Orlando-area mansion, but will not face criminal charges, the Florida Highway Patrol said Tuesday.

Woods faces a $164 fine and four points against his driver's license, not close to enough to have it suspended. The citation closes the investigation of last week's crash.

The patrol "is not pursuing criminal charges in this matter nor is there any testimony or other evidence to support any additional charges of any kind other than the charge of careless driving," Sgt. Kim Montes said.'

Golf clubs through rear windows notwithstanding.

1. He gets assaulted and attempts to flee.
2. While attempting to flee from an enraged women chasing him with a golf club in his SUV, he hits a tree. Lacking a human target to beat with the club, she smashes the rear window of his vehicle with it.
3. He gets fined for recklesss driving.
4. She gets nothing but some criticism and a lot of sympathy.
5. He begins the process of becoming open-season for tabloids and losing his business and earnings.

In short, another day at the shop. Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

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I worry about little children who are subjected to violent women who don't get the help they need for their violent behavior.

Thanks to VAWA trained police, prosecutors, judges, advocates, etc., those little children become cogs in the inter-generational cycle of family violence by being forced to witness the behavior of violent women.

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Although we certainly don't know exactly what was going on within the household where Tiger Woods lives, so far as we can tell, there was a domestic dispute, and the wife got violent. In an effort to protect himself and flee, Tiger Woods crashed his car into a tree and fire plug. Instead of addressing the real crime (assault and battery against Tiger Woods), once again we blame the man, and this traffic fine reflects the way we do things in America today. The rule is: women are never responsible, and men must must always be responsible even if they are not at fault.

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As Ophus Windbag has pontificated about domestic violence; "If he hit you once he will hit you again." The same goes with men like Tiger Woods too. If she hit him this once she will hit him again. So stay tuned to the next round. Gosh, don't stories like this make you glad you are NOT married?

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Chicken-hearts like Tiger Woods deserve what they get. If they don't have the courage to speak up against their wives, they must suffer. It's a shame to call them men, when they don't have the courage to tell the truth.

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...but it isn't surprising. Quick, how many guys here thought there would be a different outcome? My guess would be the same number who thought Danmell Ndonye would pay for her lies. Same old, same old....

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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I just received a Photoshopped email of Tiger and his bride. It shows her holding a golf club looking quite lovely and Tiger with a black eye, facial stitches, broken teeth, a knot on his head and a golf ball stuck in his ear. I'm sure some people think it's pretty funny. Would it not be equally as HILARIOUS if the picture instead had his wife's face smashed in?

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