Ousted Female Teacher Admits 'Misconduct' with 13-YO Boy

Story here.

"A former gym teacher has admitted to improper conduct with a 13-year-old boy at a Middlesex County middle school where she taught for nearly a decade."

"Under the plea bargain, Amy Burke faces up to four years in state prison and agreed to surrender her teaching certificates."

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That means that this female who has an affinity for early pubescent boys will likely not have to register as a sex offender. Since she was only convicted of child endangerment and not sexual assault she's just an abuser and not a rapist in the eyes of the law. Since only sexual abuse and no other type of abuse is deemed dangerous to children, she's probably going to get to live a relatively normal life when she gets out.

Of course, had she been a he there would never have been a plea deal in the first place. He'd be called a dangerous child raping pedophile and CNN and courtTV would be following his every move, and his poster would be distributed to all schools and neighborhoods everywhere he moves for the rest of his life after he is released from a prison sentence that would be much closer to 40 years then 4 years.

Golden Pussy Pass saves another female child rapist.

13 year old girl = most innocent being alive (unless you've ever spoken to one)

13 year old boy = sexual predator waiting for the right opportunity. Just listen to the types of things they talk about! So, no real biggie when a woman uses one as a sex toy for a few months.

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When a 13 year-old girl seduces a 19 year-old boy, she has just been raped.

When a 13 year-old boy is seduced by a 35 year-old female, he has just "gotten lucky."

That's the LAW in this country.

Notice that both hypothetical examples are really about POWER and not actually about SEX.

(And, of course, both scenarios are about American's Puritan sexual repressions, our denial about the sexualization of childhood, and the commercialization of desire...)

Apparently we still as a society believe that in order to protect an imagined female virtue, men must be sacrificed.

What's the body count as of today in Iraq?

99.99% young men.

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When a 12 year old girl (in the original production of 'The Vagina Monologues' later changed to either 14 or 16 depending on the production) is seduced by a 29 year old female it is cause for celebration. Despite the fact that the woman uses the girl for sex and then leaves and does so behind the mothers back it's still considered beautiful in the play.

How many plays or movies or books can you think where an adult male has sex with a 12 year old of either gender, then discards them like they are nothing and it is hailed as the most sensual and beautiful erotic experience of the young persons existence?

Our society thinks that women can have sex with anyone they want to regardless of age, gender or marital/coupled status.

NAMBLA never got the kind of PR that Ms Eisner awards female lesbian child lovers as I recall from the books and news articles I have read from the era. The fact that the organization was at it's height decades before the current pedophile hysteria that has firmly taken control of the whole of the Western and developed world proves that male sexual deviance has always been viewed in an extremely negative light in our society. These days it's just been elevated to the status of the cardinal sin of our time.

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