"Having It All": Book Review Drips with Misandry

Read it here, best on an empty stomach.

The urge to close the browser after the first one or two paragraphs is strong, but keep a-reading anyway. Some degree of reality seeps through in one paragraph (below), but the overall tone of this peice of writing is that men-as-fathers are vestigial organs at best and a necessary (for now anyway) evil that has to be carefully managed and allowed involvement in their own children's lives only at the permission and fine-grained-control management of the mother. All in all, a real barf-maker. The review's author has her own web site, here, which also lists a contact email address. Excerpt:

'Most of the heterosexual women Hertz interviews are "reluctant revolutionaries," women who would have preferred a male partner but who reached a point where they were willing to go it alone rather than miss out on motherhood. Her lesbian subjects, by contrast, consciously defied the idea that motherhood depends upon a heterosexual relationship. Neither group made these choices lightly. They enlisted the support of families and friends before embarking on this journey, and they have all had to grapple with their children's desire to picture their father and understand their kin connections. Contrary to some stereotypes, these women try mightily to include men in their children's lives. Hertz describes how they handle these thorny issues and gets the women to speak candidly about their trials, joys and dilemmas.'

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I notice that most "strong, independent" women who "want it all" aren't renouncing their right to collect child support or alimony (with the help of an enforcement army and debtor's prisons paid for by men's taxes), anytime soon. "Independent" my ass.

There's a reason so many men have to be forced or defrauded involuntarily into paternity. I'll give you a hint what that reason is: the reason has a vagina and an entitlement complex, and believes that spreading her legs for a few minutes "entitles" her to a lifetime of support paid for by a man, on the off chance said reason doesn't scream rape a month later and have said man tossed in prison for life. Very empowering.

I love listening to how "independent" and "strong" most women have become, especially when the authors leave out the inconvenient FACT that they're only able to "have it all" because they suck the life out of men through the "family courts" and chivalry to pay their bills and "empower" them. "You can have it all!". Sure, as long as some MAN you might have had sex with pays the freight for a couple of decades, and the father you hate pays your tuition all the way through grad school and a professional degree. Bullshit like this isn't an indicator of women's "progress", it's an indicator that the peonage forced on fathers and men (who pay 70% of the taxes which fund family courts and female-dominated universities), is paying off nicely for women everywhere, and that western women are greedier than ever. That limitless avarice and selfishness is why sperm donors and underage male rape victims now have to worry about making child support payments for children they didn't want.

All that being said, I do know several women who really are "independent". They paid their own way through school, built careers, had children while single and refused child support, and in some cases married later in life out of nothing but love. They're as freakishly rare as albino elephants, but they do exist. Such women are invariably deeply embarassed by the antics of the average bloodsucker who leeches off men all her life, all while claiming to be "independent" and bashing those men at every opportunity. Oddly, the truly independent women I'm thinking of are the least feminist people I've evey met. Since they can take care of themselves very nicely, they don't need a hate movement to "prop them up".

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Preach on, brother!

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Almost all such articles are simply senseless garbage without any (or with made up) facts, without any logic and where each sentence contradicts the previous one. For instance, all we know that one of the main and common accusations of men that being made today by feminists is the men's "fear of commitment" and their alleged refusal to engage in serious relations. And guess what, now we read the following: "More men than women describe being married as their ideal state, and men who remain single fare far worse emotionally than do their female counterparts." And people with such mental abilities are getting more and more power in the Western world.

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"And guess what, now we read the following: "More men than women describe being married as their ideal state, and men who remain single fare far worse emotionally than do their female counterparts."

Yeah, saw that too, and nearly had a liver hemorrhage. It's sort of like hearing that livestock housed in a confined feeding operation for a year and are then slaughtered are happier than livestock that lives in a field ostensibly because they are "safer" inside than out. Only in this case, the livestock isn't safer. They have to worry about such things as divorce court, false accusations, and little or no legal protection against acts of violence against them by their female counterparts!

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"men remain unwilling to enter equal relationships with educated, high-powered women".

How about, "decent men everywhere refuse to marry rude, pushy feminist pigs, knowing that the woman will 'retire' before age 35 to have a baby".

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Most women are completely unwilling to marry a male that earns less then them or heaven forbid wants to stay at home and care for the children.

Woman support a man? That's just crazy!

We're a long way from men being equal to women yet!

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"decent men everywhere refuse to marry rude, pushy feminist pigs, knowing that the woman will 'retire' before age 35 to have a baby,"...

...divorce the man, take whatever assets the couple has accumulated for herself and sue for decades of mommy support, all while making false accusations of domestic violence if needed to assure her victory in family court.

That's what passes for "strong" and "independent" in a western woman these days.

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