Woods on crash: 'This situation is my fault'

Story here. How could a woman pull a 200-lb man out of a car? Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Pro golfer Tiger Woods says he bears sole responsibility for an early-morning car accident, but state police said he has canceled a Sunday interview with investigators looking into the crash.

In a statement issued Sunday afternoon on his Web site, Woods offered no details of his Friday-morning wreck outside his Windermere, Florida, home except to say he suffered cuts and bruises and was "pretty sore."

"This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me," he said. "I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again."

In his statement, Woods praised his wife, Elin Nordegren, whom he said "acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble." Nordegren told police she used a golf club to break out the rear window of the vehicle, then pulled Woods from the SUV after she heard the accident from inside their home.'

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A woman who could smash in the rear glass panel on an SUV using a golf club, that's who.

But on average, when a woman's body strength as a whole is measured, she is likely to have as much as 7/10 of the ability to move, lift, etc. as the average man. If you look at weight, the typical woman is not that much lighter than the typical man, and we have all met couples wherein she is lot heavier than he is, whether it be due to BMI differences or simple height/weight proportion (though a tall woman with a short man is the exception by far, not the rule). By way of comparison, this is what Elin Nordegren looks like. According to Wikipedia's entry, Woods is 185 lbs. Could Nordegren move a 185-lb Tiger Woods from a higher place (the SUV driver's seat) to a lower place (the ground)? I am pretty sure she could. But that is neither here nor there, really.

So here, as I see it, is the evidence we have:

  1. Woods was injured and needed treatment at a hospital. Some reports say he suffered "bad injuries" while other say they were "minor", and in both cases crash-related. Somehow this also includes the scratches reportedly on his face. Bear in mind at no time was the SUV going faster than 20 MPH, as it did not get too far from the house
  2. His wife, Elin Nordegren, has reportedly suffered no injuries of any kind from any source
  3. Alcohol is not believed to be involved in the altercation they had.
  4. This has occurred shortly after tabloids reported that Woods was having an affair. At the moment we don't know what the couple was fighting over.
  5. Woods has denied that anyone is to blame for this "incident" but him and wants everyone to go away and leave them alone.
  6. No one involved as agreed to speak to the police about "this incident", and strangely, the police are not pushing the matter, despite the fact that public and private property damage seems to have occurred.
  7. Woods wants any communication at this point with the public to be through his lawyer

OK, so here's what I think happened: The couple fought about something, whether it be the tabloid news or not, we don't know. But it looks like Nordegren lost it at some point and attacked her husband, who retreated to his SUV to avoid escalation. She then pursued him and in a further expression of anger, smashed the rear window of his car with a golf club, which in his upset state he had run into a (thankfully) inanimate object.

I think this was her motivation to smash the window because I find it hard to believe that a reasonably intelligent person would attempt to get a driver out of a car (if that was, as the police say, they think she was doing) in that fashion unless the car was on fire. That was not the case here, and stereotypes about models (super or not) aside, I have a hard time buying that Nordegren is anything less than reasonably intelligent.

But obviously, somehow Woods did get out of the car and was found lying on the ground. He also appears to have been conscious the whole time. According to police statements to the press, Nordegren was upset that he was injured and trying to help him. Trying to help him, perhaps, in the same way that one boxer asks another boxer if he is "all right" after knocking him out.

Unless some hard-to-think-of-at-the-moment new facts come to the fore (no joke intended), this is as clear-cut a case of DV committed against a man, who then blames himself for the attack on his person, as I can think of. If he was unfaithful to his wife, that may be grounds for divorce. But, not for assault with a dangerous instrument.

If Woods is to continue to be an example to young men and boys, I do hope he realizes that aside from perseverance at sports or any endeavor, he should also be setting an example of self-respect for them in the face of feminine violence. If one is with a violent partner, male or female, the time to leave that person is now.

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One thing I've learn regarding emergency situations involving vehicles is that you never move a accident victim from their vehicle, unless you know what you are doing and/or their situation is at risk of escalating into a life or death matter. Wait for skilled and qualified emergency personnel. Moving someone with a broken spine/back/etc. can prove fatal at worse, or severely limit their ability to recover.
In Woods case, I doubt it was that serious.

I'm with Matt here. Have you ever heard of a woman rescuing someone, particularly by breaking the window with a golf club? LOL! Sounds more like DV to me, especially considering current rumors surrounding Woods and the fact that he said, "This situation is my fault.." Think about it, why would you say it was your fault when from all appearances no one else was involved? Simple. Because there WAS another party involved and Woods was politely excusing 'her' (his wife) from from any blame (for what she did with the golf club). Makes better sense. :-)


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"Woods was politely excusing 'her' (his wife) from from any blame (for what she did with the golf club)."

One day I hope the first thing a man thinks of doing after being assaulted by his wife is not to excuse her behavior but demand justice.

I have no doubt at all that if the sexes were reversed here and, assuming for the sake of argument, that someone was having an affair (in this sexes-reversed case, it would be her), and that in the course of argument, he assaulted her, that she would not excuse him for it, and neither would the law, press or public. In fact I think she would leave with the mansion(s), kids, and half the rest, plus ongoing spousal and child support payments, with book deals and of course the chance to become the poster-girl (sorry, that's "-woman") for N.O.W.

Alas, "family court" may well be where it does go. But I hope for the sake of the kids it does not. And I hope for their sakes they can resolve whatever is going on here. (24/7 Paparazzi won't help things but it will doubtlessly be present for the foreseeable future.) If it does eventually get to "family court", Mr. Woods will certainly find out the hard way how THE SYSTEM works.

I have never met the man, but all I can think to say is, good luck with this one, brother. You gonna need it!

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If this was just an early morning car mishap Woods could have said he just did not see the fire hydrant he is supposed to have backed into and let it go at that.

However, he is displaying typical abused male behavior by obsessively taking all the blame on himself for the incident and protecting his female abuser.

Woods has a golden opportunity to bring to the public's attention the hidden victims of domestic abuse; male victims. But I feel he will just chickenshit out and put it all behind him as most male DV victims want to do because it is still not acceptable for men to admit they have been abused by wives, girlfiends or other sick females in their lives.

But as Orca has decreed: If he hit you once he will hit you again. And the same goes for female abusers. If she hit him once she will hit him again. So we haven't heard the last of this tale even if he is successful in sweeping this incident under the rug.

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Someone tell if I'm wrong here, but if Tiger tells the cops she hit me with the golf club (which I think is clear) and she says he was pushing me (even if not true) doesn't HE go to jail? Doesn't the law make it very difficult for a man to claim spousal abuse? Isn't it possible he's just kissing her ass because he knows she can make up any story at all and have him thrown in jail?

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