"The Lambert double-standard" is coined

By now many of you have heard that Adam Lambert, a (formerly) rising pop star, has gotten into major trouble with his handlers, financiers, publicists, and the public by planting a kiss on a male keyboardist during the Sunday night (Nov. 22, 2009) American Music Awards show. (The video can be watched here, at a non-US video site. It had been on YouTube, but was pulled after the producer of the awards show objected and the moral objections became too loud even for the YouTube operators to bear.)

Undoubtedly, and it is too bad I even feel I have to do this, some readers will think I am endorsing his actions as such or in particular that it was a same-sex kiss between men. The answer to that is no. I am not interested in watching guys kiss each other. What bothers me about this hullabaloo is that the double-standard here regarding not just the public's reaction but the media's reaction is glaring.

Many of us will remember the woman-on-woman kisses given by Madonna to not one but two other female pop stars at the 2003 MTV Awards Show. (Unlike the Lambert video, video clips of Madonna kissing the other women are still on YouTube. No one seems to mind that.) The cries of objection, the accusations of outrage, the demands for legal action, apologies, explanation, etc., etc. were entirely absent back in 2003. Maybe a few small voices said that this was not acceptable on a TV show wherein she should have known small children were likely to be watching. Overall though, people who style themselves as religious, and those who say they are not, all seemed mute. Yet a man does something far less overt and far less sexually-charged and well, it's a crime.

My feeling is this: If you are on a show like this, you should not be grabbing people and planting kisses on them, or doing other things, that would cause a child under a certain age to say "Mommy/Daddy, what was that he/she just did?" If it airs any time before 10 PM, maybe 11 PM, it ought to be "clean". However if such behavior is deemed permissible for women, either by our lack of objections to it or our encouragement of it by our attention and watching habits, then it must also be permissible for men.

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I remember when I took a 'Psychology of Women' class about 20 years ago, some moron girl in the class confidently declared, "female homosexuality is much more harshly viewed than male homosexuality."

Hah...what a joke!! That has never been true.


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Hmmm. From what I've read, the complaints were more about Lambert's dance routine and thrusting a backup dancer's face into his crotch. This, I believe, was where most of the complaints came from. In fact, the network actually said it had very little to do with the kiss.
If true, I certainly agree with the actions taken. This type of behavior is just part of the downward spiral this society has gotten into.


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What about Madonna and Britney Spears? Gross! (mainly because of the age difference!)

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To be honest I don't like it and would not want to see it. Any sort of physical contact between men is for me distasteful. Live and let live is a good motto, but I do not have to like it. That's my prerogative.

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I not only hate male on male stuff but also female on female,why should heteros have to put up with it.I know homosexuality is a fact of life,I accept that,there are some great gays out there,but I do not require gays or
lesbians sending a message when they are supposed to be entertaining the public at large.The message sent is "we are normal"it's the heteros who are weird.On the other hand ,if the women are allowed to do it,why not the men?

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It has always been curious to me that males will view female homosexual behavior (most all porno films have at least one female on female sexual encounter) as "sexy" but will flip out over viewing two males making out.

Perhaps the general social view is that homosexual behavior indicates naivete and vulnerability which are supposedly not male attributes? It is okay for women to play around with other women to a point and then get into a threesome with some "hunk" who discovers their sex play as is mostly the predictable plot in the porno flicks.

I just think this attitude is weird and in the realm of "magic think" which too many of us males are vulnerable to.

BTW: I notice the MSM seldom mentions the Madonna/Spears televised lip smack of a couple of years ago. Why?

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To add to what I wrote earlier I am not too fond of female on female action either Luek.
Just to go back to my original point it really extend to most form of men touching. I like boxing and enjoy a good match. But I am extremely uncomfortable when the men just maul each other. This is not just because such behaviour is not boxing but I am put off by this sort of spectacle.

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...we wouldn't even be discussing this. Plain and simple. Its all part of the "Male sexuality is evil" theme, his homosexuality is just a subplot.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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that gay men have it way worse than gay women. Almost all men and many women find male homosexuality a turn off. The performer's agent should have known better, unless of course the performer was expressing his sexuality, or was making a political point.

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Just as a point of information here in the UK male homosexuality was illegal at one time but female homosexuality never was. I expect that this might have been the case in other countries.

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Considering gay men are one of feminists/womens biggest allies and gay rights groups are more established in society than men's rights groups, why should MRAs be worried about this? The gay rights groups can handle it. I can't remember the last time a gay rights group voiced support for any MRA issues.

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The gay guy was a man. Get it?

btw, Paul Nathanson ("...Misandry") is gay.


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MRA groups NEED to get Gay men on our side of the issues and out from under feminist dominion.

ALL men face discrimination and we should fight for ALL men and allow all men wot represent us in our fight.

Hell one of the biggest issues we as MRAs face is the complete deomization of male sexuality in general and the day when we can all keep our sex lives in our respective bedrooms without scrutiny from society will be a momentous day in our struggle. Men should have the same rights to be free judgment and keep their sex lives as discrete or open as they choose as women.

I don't give a fuck what anyone is doing in the bedroom as long they are not harming anyone, and society as a whole should feel the same.

A dick is not a weapon, and we REALLY need to get that message out there.

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Once again axolotl, you dismiss the point put to you. How many gay men have spoke up for heterosexual men's rights?

Gay men don't need to side with MRAs because they fall into the category of "victim", the same as women. Heterosexual men are not victims according to feminists and gays, they are a privileged class. So why would gay men side with MRAs? Gay men will naturally side with women/feminists on issues. Many gay men believe in the idea of "heterosexism", that society is heterocentric because society is "dominated by heterosexual men" that enforce rigid "gender roles". Gays seek to over turn this along with feminists, for example undermining the male/female two parent family. Defending a man simply because he is a man is the same logic feminists have with defending a woman just because she is a woman.

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okay, I'll answer the question again:

"How many gay men have spoke up for heterosexual men's rights? "

At least one very loud voice - Paul Nathanson.

You are being extremely divisive.


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