Oprah: From daytime talkie host to softcore porn HBO-TV series producer in under a month

I have resisted the urge to gloat-post over "Oprah" mercifully exiting public broadcast, but this is just too good to pass up. You go girl! Excerpt:

'Oprah Winfrey's getting her kink on with a steamy new cable series about a sexually curious LA housewife.

TV's touchy-feely daytime queen will get down and dirty with the HBO series, which revolves around a married woman who suddenly leaves her husband and kids to act out her secret fantasies in LA's seamy underbelly, according to Variety.

The news comes just days after Winfrey announced she's leaving her top-rated "Oprah Winfrey Show" in 2011 after 25 years to focus on her new cable network -- and endeavors like this one, taking her far afield from her goody-goody daytime image.

The HBO series (no title yet) will be produced by Winfrey's Harpo Productions and is being written by Erin Cressida Wilson -- who penned the 2002 steamfest "Secretary," about an S&M relationship between a lawyer (James Spader) and his secretary (Maggie Gyllenhaal).

"It's a very erotic mystery about . . . a woman and her secret desires that are, in fact, rather pure," Wilson told The Post yesterday.'

Seems the competition from the Internet as well as racier offerings is too much for The Big O to handle without going there, too. As I said in a previous comment, if it were not for the FCC, TV would be an endless stream of sports, food/shopping channels, and pornography. Hell, it practically is already!

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Need I ask who was on top in the Spader-Gyllenhaal thing?


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Who is Oprah Winfrey???????

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"...TV would be an endless stream of sports, food/shopping channels, and pornography."

So what? I personally would chop the FCC right off of the government if I had a chance. I don't need the government to tell me what is OK to watch.


"...which revolves around a married woman who suddenly leaves her husband and kids..."

How much do you want to bet she won't have a job, but they won't ever bring up her mooching ways (alimony). She'll be portrayed as an "independent" woman who is just being herself.

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...if Oprah produces porn, as long as she doesn't star in it.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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