College News online: "Will Title IX be amended?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an investigation of admissions from liberal arts colleges, the U.S. Civil Rights Commission has reported that male enrollment in college has been low in recent years. The investigation shows that men are more likely than women to join the military, seek jobs in building trades or surprisingly, end up in prison.

The investigation is ongoing to “allow schools to discriminate against women to attract more male students.” The federal agency is making claim that the reason male enrollment is so low is because there are not enough chances to be an athlete.

Due to this, the CRC feels there needs to be a change in Title IX, which states that, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Leslie Brueckner, a lawyer with Public Justice, told Inside Higher Education that “Women should not be made to pay the price for the fact that fewer men are interested in seeking higher education.

“Surely, there are other ways to attract males to schools than to reinstate sex discrimination against women in sports.”'

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Feminists sabotaged the education of boys and now that action threatens to hurt the girls.

You know what? I say that student bodies should be 50% girls, 50% boys. And if a college can't recruit enough boys then they should exclude the girls in order to keep that 50/50 ratio. It is a tactic endorsed by Feminists, so you know it is right and just... (sarcasm)

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"Leslie Brueckner, a lawyer with Public Justice, told Inside Higher Education that “Women should not be made to pay the price for the fact that fewer men are interested in seeking higher education."

Men should not be made to pay the price for the fact that fewer women are interested in sports like wrestling or less interested in sports generally. But apparently feminists have no problem with destroying college wrestling programs using title IX.

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