UK: Rise of male student support groups sparks row at British universities

Story here. Excerpt:

'After decades of feminism, equal rights and "women-only" support networks, a lower, deeper voice is attempting to make itself heard at some of Britain's leading universities.

Male students are "manning-up", setting up men's groups to celebrate and explore the concept of masculinity amid accusations of sexism and gender stereotyping.

Manchester University has created the first official MENS Society – Masculinity Exploring Networking and Support – despite outrage from critics who claim the existence of such a group undermines women's ability to speak out for equality.
Detractors allege they are just a front for macho activities and beer-drinking marathons, but supporters insist they are essential as young men struggle to cope with the pressures of being a man in the modern world.
In Manchester, the MENS Society, which despite its name has women among its 306 members, claims it highlights not just masculinity issues, but also raises funds and awareness for men's mental health, testicular and prostate cancer as well as male rape and domestic violence issues.'

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This is okay as long as it doesn't include ideas about 're-defining masculinity'. Besides, what's so bad about a bunch of guys standing around drinking? They're made to feel guilty just for being men.


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β€œThe revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

Che Guevara

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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