CNN: Women 'bearing brunt' of climate change

Story here. Excerpt:

'In a report released on Wednesday, UNFPA warns that it is women in the developing world such as Quispe who are bearing the brunt of the worsening and accelerating impact of climate change.
According to the report, women in poorer societies are most at risk because they make up a larger share of the agricultural workforce and have fewer income-earning opportunities. They also shoulder the burden of caring for other family members and household management, limiting their mobility and trapping them in a cycle of deprivation, poverty and inequality.

"For many people, especially poor women in poor countries, climate change is here and now," said UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid. "Poor women in poor countries are among the hardest hit by climate change even though they contributed the least to it."
"Helping women to make their own decisions about family size would protect their health, make their lives easier, help put their countries on a sustainable path towards development -- and ensure lower greenhouse-gas emissions in the long run," said Obaid.'

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Riiiiight. Because the men are sitting at home with a beer in one hand and the remote in the other. And, if they are earning money, they clearly must be keeping it to themselves.

My eyes hurt from rolling too much.


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I don't believe a word of this. These reports are just a UN narrative reading from a PR script. That's all these things ever are - propaganda spouted to an overall purpose of promoting the UN agenda.

Look all government and government agencies are always just propaganda bodies working to promote their own ideology.

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