Article: "Men's Rights" Groups Have Become Frighteningly Effective

Kathryn Joyce of Double X, Slate's feminist-oriented section has this article about MRA's. She discounts a lot of research done, but gives RADAR credit for:

"...blocked passage of four federal domestic-violence bills, among them an expansion of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to international scope and a grant to support lawyers in pro bono domestic-violence work. Members of this coalition have gotten themselves onto drafting committees for VAWA’s 2011 reauthorization. Local groups in West Virginia and California have also had important successes, criminalizing false claims of domestic violence in custody cases, and winning rulings that women-only shelters are discriminatory."

Interesting that the feminists view this as a threat.

Relatedly, submitted by user "fibtastic":

I used to read Salon religiously, and I still love Heather Havrilesky, but this online fish wrap became so smug and angry during the Bush years that even I (no fan of Bush) couldn't take it anymore. I still check them out occasionally, when I need the angry lefty party line on anything, which led me to this story on the scary fringe dangers of the MRM. It's from their resident feminist rant organ, Broadsheet.

The story references this article over at Slate, in their in-house feminist organ, XX. Generally I find XX to be readable. Certainly far more open minded and less doctrinaire than Broadsheet, but not so in this instance. Note the pathetic tactic, used in both of these stories, of playing up the "fear" of men who organizing to oppose feminist writ. As if "scaring" a woman by opposing her politically is something any "real" man ought to be ashamed to do.

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As far as violence, she fails to mention the use of law enforcement by misandrist radical/gender feminist thugs to trample the constitutional rights of innocent, battered men. The taxpayer funded Violence Against Women Act is the biggest hate movement in the history of America.

End the Thuggery By the Sisterhood Of Victimhood

We have to write really big and not use any big words, because gender feminists and the Americans they've brainwashed for 40 years, are apparently mentally challenged when it comes to knowing and understanding the truth about what's going on:

Feminist Lies Make Bad Domestic Abuse Laws

Domestic Abuse Law Is Feminist Lies

Domestic Abuse Law Is A Feminist Scam

Feminist Lies Make Bad Police Training

Feminist Lies Make Bad Judges Training

Feminist Trained Judges Are Corrupted

Feminst Trained Judges Are Brainwashed

Feminist Trained Judges Are Prejudiced

Feminist Trained Judges Lack Integrity

Feminist Trained Cops & Judges Batter Men

Hate Target of Domestic Abuse Laws

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This is just one of her lies -Goldstein wasn't suspended for five years because of a judge's complaint, he was suspended because he was found to have committed over a dozen improprieties, some of them having nothing to do with the Shockome case.

And don't you love the image-rigging with that photo? He looks angry,and his muscles are hanging out, emphasizing his maleness, and i dare say he looks working class as well...

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Maybe they're really scared, but then again maybe they're kind of exaggerating the effect of MRM to get their followers to nip it in the bud.

btw, I do wish right-wingers would stop politicizing the entire picture. Especially guys like Mark Rudov who are in the limelight. I see this as one of the two or three biggest barriers to the success of the movement.


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btw, I do wish right-wingers would stop politicizing the entire picture.

AMEN ! ! !

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Submitted by Hunchback on Sat, 2009-11-07 13:47.

btw, I do wish right-wingers would stop politicizing the entire picture.

AMEN ! ! !

Double AMEN.

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I wish we were even half as effective as they make us out to be. Unfortunately we aren't.

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To be attacked is only to be expected. Do any of you expect our enemies to be fair, reasonable and honest? Of course not! They are going to fight as dirty as they can. We need to be steadfast. Fire back but don't get draw into an exposed position. Sniping can be as effective as artillery fire. We are not ready for a war of attrition but guerilla warfare will serves us well.

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Of course they use the movement to push conservative agendas - they can afford to because there aren't enough liberals in the movement to fight them on those issues.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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There aren't many liberals in the movement because they are feminists.

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