House Healthcare Bill Rewards Activism on Women's Issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women may seem to be the driving force of health reform, given all the attention recently paid to gender disparities in insurance premiums. In fact, the massive health reform bill unveiled by the House of Representatives yesterday contains several sections that pertain just to women in terms of abortion coverage, pregnancy services, and prohibitions against excluding those with pre-existing conditions, specifically mentioning women who've been victims of domestic violence. While the bill does provide maternity coverage as part of a basic benefits package that insurers must provide in their coverage, it specifically says that public funding can't be used for abortions--which would include coverage under the public option--except where it's already allowed, such as in cases of rape or incest or where a mother's life is at risk.
Indeed, women have been more successful at lobbying for their health needs. Richards ticked off an impressive list of Planned Parenthood's health reform lobbying efforts: 150 op-eds published in newspapers, 50,000 letters and E-mails sent to members of Congress, meetings this week--accompanied by 100 donors and affiliate heads--with the White House and Congress. She says she's pleased to see the attention being paid so far to women's health issues in health reform and adds that keeping abortion access at the status quo is an acceptable compromise--though she's keeping her eye on Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and other members of Congress who are pushing to add amendments that ban federally funded insurance companies from offering abortion coverage, even if they set aside private funds for the coverage.'

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It is just that simple.
They have an open wound between their legs that eats up an enormous amount of health care cost.
I know my wife goes to the doctor far, far more often than I do - and for the simplest things that I would never consider seeing a physician for. and this, of course, drives up our health care costs.

Women are more expensive to maintain than men. Period.

oregon dad

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Yes Oregon Dad is correct. Women seem to exist in a world of anxiety. In all matters they are constantly apprehensive always seeing the worst. Nothing to them is trivial as the smallest thing could be a sign of a catastrophe. It's not just healthcare but it is a permanent mindset and is how they see the world.

So now that America is a woman's nation you will see much more of this sort of thing coming through. I am being totally serious when I say I think the next five years will see a complete transformation into a total safety culture.

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