Canada: "Women have never striven more for less"

Read the article here. The same old dribble written by a woman whose mother is one of the newspapers editors. Excerpt:

'According to the University of Alberta, the salaries of recent female business graduates narrowly exceeded those of their male counterparts for the first time. In the U.S., a recent study called the Shriver Report found that half the American work force is now composed of women.
Despite working harder and in greater numbers than ever before, women are still earning less than men in the same jobs over all and taking most of the responsibility for housework and child care.

In essence, the plight of women is like that old morale-boosting management trick: the no-compensation promotion (also known as the non-raise raise). It's all very flattering until you realize that you have just taken on twice as much work and responsibility for no extra pay or respect.

In this new world order, women get to support their partners, remain the primary child-care givers and earn less money for doing the same jobs as men. See? Promotion without compensation.

At least in the 1950s, middle-class women got to stay home and drink martinis like on Mad Men. Maybe they were miserable, but they could wallow in it. Most working mothers I know wouldn't even have the time to register if they were on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Joanne Lipman, the former deputy managing editor of The Wall Street Journal and editor-in-chief of Portfolio magazine, recently wrote an op-ed piece for The New York Times responding to the Shriver Report. In it, she revealed that, during her years as an editor, “many, many men have come through my door asking for a raise or demanding a promotion. Guess how many women have ever asked me for a promotion? I'll tell you. Exactly… zero.”'

It is important to read the comments from beginning to end, "Mike Murphy" and "Atlas is Shrugging" especially. We are fighting back and the feminists are been taken to task.

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... to hold the amount of PUKE I want to to discharge upon reading this babbling foolishness.

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"We have cast off our patriarchal shackles, but in exchange for enforced hard labour."

What did you really expect to happen? That you would get rid of the mean old patriarch and spend your days sipping mimosas on the beach served by Brad Pitt clones? Maybe you should have thought this through a little more carefully.

Patriarchy evolved over the centuries as a way to meet the needs of men and women. And, frankly, women got the better deal. Men performed hard labor in exchange for a wife and family. But you got rid of the man so now you have to perform the hard labor. Sorry, ladies, but there ain't no free lunch.

And there's another saying: be careful what you wish for because you might get it. Well, honey, you got what you wished for. Quit your whining. Of course, I'm not without sympathy--I'm willing to return all the sympathy you've given to men over the past 40 years--which is little or none.

Hey, mcc99--have you got an extra barf bucket?

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and how it has changed into something that men should absolutly avoid.
read Marriage is Fraud, and look at how it is broken down in terms of labor. Essentially, this can be looked at biologically (remember, we are still members of the animal kingdom).

oregon dad

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Oregon Dad: Thanks for the excellent link!

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