ABC: Female Warriors Engage in Combat in Iraq, Afghanistan

Story here. Excerpt:

'The image of young women in a hot, dusty combat zone toting automatic weapons is still startling to some.

But right now there are 10,000 women serving in Iraq, more than 4,000 in Afghanistan. They have been fighting and dying next to their male comrades since the wars began.

"I can't help but think most Americans think women aren't in combat," says Specialist Ashley Pullen who was awarded a Bronze Star for valor in 2005 for her heroic action in Iraq where she served with a military police unit. "We're here and we're right up with the guys."
Nevertheless, women serving in support positions on and off the frontlines, where war is waged on street corners and in markets, are often at equal risk. There have been 103 women who have been killed in Iraq and 15 others in Afghanistan.'

My condolences to all our service members who have perished, but the gender disparity is staggering. According to the Iraq/Afghanistan Coalition, there have been 5268 soldier deaths -- of which 5165 have been men. [Filter list by Gender and start counting]

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5165 have been men
5268 soldier deaths

5165/5268 = 98.045%

Slightly over 98% of the War on Terror (or whatever it's called now) deaths are men.

It's gone up a little since the last time I checked, when it was over 97%.

Historically, men are 99.999% of combat deaths and casualties in American wars and conflicts.

During Bush's administration he signed some order exempting women from front line "ground" combat. Therefore, women serve as pilots and in support units and in other capacities. In a war with very vague front lines, like the War on Terror, some women have found themselves in front line "ground" combat. Some women have fought and died in front line ground combat, but that number is obviously less than 2% of all combat deaths in the current Irag/Afghanistan wars.

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THAT was combat. No women allowed. This was door to door, kick it in, shoot the bad guys.
That is what combat has turned into in much of these wars. And there are zero women doing this work.

oregon dad

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According to Hillary, these numbers mean nothing because she believes women are the real victims of war.

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Just because they're on the front "lines doesn't" mean doesn't mean they're doing the equivalent that the guys are doing as far as actual battle duty. And, the MP is still kind of a 'behind the scenes' thing - it is used to enforce the rules within a command. It's kind of like saying cooks are on the front line (assuming cooking isn't 'collateral duty'). This 'toting a rife in the dust' is worded very cleverly because..well..they are doing that. But I can guarantee they're not the ones wearing 50 pounds of gear and running up the mountains to confront an enemy unit or blow up their hideouts.


[edit:] oregon dad is 100% correct (one day I will learn to read all the other comments before adding mine.)

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"Slightly over 98% of the War on Terror (or whatever it's called now) deaths are men."

What about the secretary in the WTC tower who (tried to) worked a fire extinguisher? (sorry, I know that was in bad taste.)


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In the Navy women are excluded from submarine warfare, but earlier this month, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus says "allowing women to serve on submarines is an idea whose time has come," the Associated Press reported.

Yep. Women consume much and produce little. There is just no sense to preserve them from dying in wars. And American lawmakers began to realize this. What an incredibe pain for feminist idiots!

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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But in the total number of victims the whole picture is different.

In the 20th century, 90 percent of all war deaths have been non-combatants—mostly women and children.

Eighty percent of the victims of war are reported to
be children and women.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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"The field officers are having to deal with problems like pregnancies, evacuation, sexual misconduct, romantic hostility. Right now people aren't discussing," she said.

Women sleep in separate quarters, and use separate bathrooms. However, female troops are much more likely to face the additional threat of sexual harassment and assault. Almost 15 percent of female Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who have gone to the Veterans Administration for care have experienced sexual assault, according to "Women Warriors" study released this month by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. "

So these "female warriors" can fight along side men, fight against men like the big tough equals they claim to be. But the warriors can't manage to deal with "harassment" or "sexual assault"? Pathetic. Women are so thick they can't even see it can they? They do an article bigging women up as warriors and in the same article they paint them as victims. How can these women fight in combat if they can't even protect themselves. Do these idiotic women stop to think of the contradiction of women being unable, by their own admission, to protect themselves from men domestically and need the state to protect them. But at the same time want to be taken seriosuly as "warriors" that are just as strong as men. What's next I wonder perhaps they will tell the Taliban that they can't shoot at female soliders because that's "violence against women".

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"In the 20th century, 90 percent of all war deaths have been non-combatants—mostly women and children."

"Eighty percent of the victims of war are reported to be children and women."

If either of these is true, it must be because all the men in a given country are combatants, i.e. they volunteered or were drafted. Other than that, they sound like hype.

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