"Daddies be damned! Who are the British women who think fathers are irrelevant?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Having reached the age of 38 without meeting Mr Right, Karen Shefras decided to become a mother by using donated sperm.

As a result, Karen, who runs her own company, has never met her ten-month-old daughter's father. The closest she came to him was at the clinic where five of her eggs were injected with sperm donated by the dark-haired and intelligent businessman.

'Ideally, it would have been nice to have met a man and had a baby the conventional way,' says Karen, now 41. 'I always pictured myself getting married - but it just didn't happen.
But the most telling thing of all is that Karen still hopes to meet 'Mr Right' - a positive sign at least that having a baby without a man does not remove a woman's emotional need for a life partner.

'I really do hope a man comes along,' she says. 'I can't see myself without a man for ever.'

In the end, perhaps the truth is that, for complete fulfilment, women need both a partner and children.

The most worrying question of all is why the most natural thing in the world has become so seemingly difficult to achieve, and why a generation of women have fallen foul of their dreams.'

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and now she wants a man. But does a man want her, and some stranger's baby? What's in it for him?

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It's all about her. She wants a baby, she wants a man, she wants this, she wants that, ad nauseam... Nobody is talking about the damage to a baby, the fact that she will cause permanent neurological damage to her baby with her selfish decision, as discussed in this new research:
[Wall Street Journal article by Shirley S. Wang entitled "This Is Your Brain Without Dad" dated 27 October 2009

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Man, I'm getting so sick to my stomach from hearing about women's "needs".

People speak and act as if the whole purpose of men on earth is to provide 'fulfillment' for women.


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What's in it for him? Nothing good. A lot of bad.

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"People speak and act as if the whole purpose of men on earth is to provide 'fulfillment' for women."

Alas, I believe that's what a lot of women (and men) think. Women also believe the purpose of children is to bring women fulfillment and get really POed when they discover children are hard work and heartache, along with joy.

The modern woman's favorite saying: "It's all about me."

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The modern man's favorite saying (with respect to women and relationships) should be "What's in it for me?"

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