High-profile NY City News anchor pulled from TV even after false accusations by wife are admitted

Story here. Excerpt:

'TV newsman Dominic Carter was yanked off the air Thursday after he was accused of beating his wife while calling her a "dumb, stupid, project bitch."
Paulus dropped the hammer on Carter the same day his wife, Marilyn, told a Rockland County judge she lied when she claimed her husband attacked her last October.

With his job on the line and his reputation in tatters, Carter pleaded with Justice Arnold Etelson to issue a ruling in his favor.

"In the court of public opinion, if I leave here without an opinion, my career is over," he said.
Carter, 45, left the court with his wife by his side.

"I am sticking by him with this," said Marilyn Carter, 52.'

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Read some of the comments. It seems there may be factors outside the immediate question the judge is alluding to. At first I was scratching my head about his (lying) wife's pledge to "stick[...] by him" through his troubles, but if indeed he has been doing other things that are wrong that have nothing to do with the DV charge, then sure, the judge has the right to keep him in the court system until these are aired. BUT he does not have the right to maintain charges against him that have no foundation and certainly the channel he works for should not be sacking him summarily over the (false) allegation of DV or even suspicion of other illegal conduct. Innocent til proven guilty, or so it is supposed to be that way. Of course in NY an employer can terminate for cause but frankly I think it's premature given the fact that his only for-certain mistake in life was to marry a woman who for whatever reason would falsely accuse him of DV.

And what I wonder happens to her? Charges for making a false report to the police any time soon? Doubt it. In fact I think she'll be hailed as some kind of selfless hero and another example of how women are so loyal and long-suffering.


And so it goes.

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I am not trying to stir up trouble here, but please consider what is on the line and motivations for possible recanting charges such as this.

DV has probably gone on for years in this relationship, but this time she calls 911 and as a result her husband will lose his job (income!!!), as well as his reputation and ability to get another job.

All of a sudden the wife realizes this so she recants. Because she has two choices: (1) lose her lavish lifestyle and get ready for the bill collectors to start calling or (2) recant and make up with her husband privately and hope her husband can stay employed and continue their lavish lifestyle.

In this case the wife calls 911 during the assault and she identifies her husband as the perpetrator and she is clearly beaten when police arrive at her home. I believe her recanting came AFTER she realized her husband would lose his job. Now she blames her beating on a day laborer, she is vague and cannot provide any details?

This happens all the time in the sports world. A guy signs or is about to sign a multi-million dollar contract then there is a DV call to his home (or some other unfavorable conduct). When it hits the news, and the guys contract/job/income is on the line, the wife/girlfriend recants and says 'nothing happened'. it was all a 'misunderstanding'. She knows her lavish lifestyle is at stake.

All I ask is that you don't take all 'recants' at face value. Consider the motive to recant.

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I'm sure you've hit the nail on the head with this Kris. Note that these two people are not in a garden-variety "relationship". They're married. There's a huge difference. This brings up another big lie/secret regarding civil marriage. Civil marriage is the overwhelming leading cause of domestic violence in America. I don't mean the relationships - I mean the legal stranglehold of marriage. People who shouldn't be living together are doing so and some awful things happen as a result. When a woman ends up missing/dead any cop will tell you the husband/ex-husband did it most of the time. The usual explanation for this is a man's jealous rage. Most often though the guy cracked over child custody or the many forms of legal theft in marriage/divorce. BTW, before someone brings it up, I am in no way trying to justify this violence. It does happen though and it's about time people started talking about it.

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