Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced

Piece here. Excerpts:

'So when you, a stranger, approach me, I have to ask myself: Will this man rape me?

Do you think I’m overreacting? One in every six American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I bet you don’t think you know any rapists, but consider the sheer number of rapes that must occur. '


'While you may assume that none of the men you know are rapists, I can assure you that at least one is. Consider: if every rapist commits an average of ten rapes (a horrifying number, isn’t it?) then the concentration of rapists in the population is still a little over one in sixty. That means four in my graduating class in high school. One among my coworkers. One in the subway car at rush hour. Eleven who work out at my gym. How do I know that you, the nice guy who wants nothing more than companionship and True Love, are not this rapist?'

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Good grief how pathetically hysterical and irrational! If you think you're approaching a woman like that, avoid her -- have nothing to do with her. Make any excuse, just get away from her.

1 in 6 will be raped? I thought it was 1 in 4... Can't these feminist wack-jobs keep their numbers straight? Didn't someone say the FBI figures were more like 38.1 per 100,000?

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No, note that it says, "sexually assaulted", not "raped". Only God knows what they consider "sexually assaulted". Probably an unwanted kiss counts; also included is 'innapropriate touching' (which is open to its own wide and ambiguous definition), etc.


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The use of Schrodinger here is disingenuous- the cat 'thought experiment' shows that quantum theory doesn't correspond to the 'real world' - just like feminist theories don't correspond to reality, or this particular lady's theory either.

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OMG. Scanning that viperous thread, I can't help but wonder how many potential false rape and sexual harassment allegations that one web page spawned.

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As an experiement, I spent several months obviously avoiding women in my workplace, on the street, etc. I would cross the street to avoid them, insist on all meetings taking place in public places, refused to be alone with a woman under any circumstances, etc. I made a very obvious point of avoiding the company of women. When asked, I simply told them I was doing what they said they wanted me to do, for my own protection. After all, "one in four" men will be falsely accused of attempted sexual assault, harassment, etc. I didn't want to go to jail, and they had the unilateral power to put me there, so I had to protect myself.

Some interesting responses, from disgust to amusement to mockery to reconsideration of feminist assumptions. OK, not much of the last, but still.....

If women are that afraid of men, they should be avoided in such a way as to make it VERY plain they are being avoided because a man is not safe around them. Because, after all, men are not safe around such women, and men need to care for themselves, since women (and politicians) obviously will not.

To paraphrase Ambrose Bierce, distance is the only thing some women will allow men to call theirs, and keep.

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I don't believe that one out of every six men is a rapist, but I do believe that one out of every one feminists is a liar, a false accuser, a scam artist, a misandrist, and worse.

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I take all of this rape illiteracy as an indication that the West is corrupt and dying. What will replace it is anybody's guess.

If this particular female rape hysteric is so concerned about her cootchy snootcher getting poked she should invest in a stainless steel well made chastity belt. She can order one over the internet. She makes me want to vomit!

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"On the other hand, if you are both at church accompanied by your mothers, who are lifelong best friends, the woman is as close as it comes to safe. That is to say, still not 100% safe."

From personal life experience, I have encountered few church goers who I would consider sane, and in all my years and all my travels I have not yet encountered one female who's mother had her created to be her best friend who is not DEEPLY damaged psychologically.

A personal rule I live by is if I meet a girl and she lists her mom among her best friends, I am out of there.

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Nobody's mentioned this yet, but I noticed something: The name of this website.

Shapely prose for the mordantly obese? [note: it is not morbid, but mordant ("1. sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting. 2. burning; corrosive. 3. having the property of fixing colors, as in dyeing.]

Seems to me this is somehow relevant. Fat chicks and rape. Angry fat chicks and rape.

Something here does not fit...hmmm...

Help me figure this out, or its going to bother me all day.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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Anytime a feminist spouts statistics on rape, we need to respond with objective data. From a criminal justice standpoint, in free and just societies we assume that for any given defendant, no rape occurred unless the accused has been convicted. Otherwise it's her word against his.

Certainly a feminist will refer to the low conviction rate for rape, saying that just because there isn't a conviction doesn't mean we shouldn't believe an alleged victim. I would reply that just because an accusation was made doesn't mean a crime was committed, or if a crime was committed, that the accused is the one who committed it. Police, prosecutors, and juries are more privy to the facts of a particular case, and if in their judgment there is insufficient reason to incarcerate a defendant (85-98% of the time!), then who are we as a society to question their judgment even when we aren't privy to the evidence?

All men's rights advocates should use the data from the following study, which tracks conviction rates for rape (and other crimes) in 8 countries or jurisdictions:

"Cross-National Studies in Crime and Justice" (Sept. 2004)
Authors: David Farrington, Patrick Langan, Michael Tonry
Bureau of Justice Statistics (United States Federal Department of Justice)

Jurisdictions surveyed were:

1. England (and Wales)
2. Scotland
3. United States
4. Australia
5. Canada
6. Netherlands
7. Sweden
8. Switzerland

They chose the above countries because of the extensive amount of reliable crime data available in such countries at either the federal or provincial level.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Conviction rate: <3%
Source: p. 30, figure 4e

Conviction rate: 2%
Source: p. 226, figure 3e

Conviction rate: 15%
Source: p. 73, figure 5e

Conviction rate: 7%
Source: p. 111, figure 5e

Conviction rate: 13%
Source: p. 157, figure 3e

Conviction rate: 5%
Source: p. 190, figure 3e

Conviction rate: <2%
Source: p. 259, appendix table 3

Conviction rate: 3%
Source: p. 277, figure 4e

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It would be very interesting to investigate the reasons for the differences between conviction rates in different countries. All of us here want to ensure that genuine rapists are convicted and if the difference means that US or Canada is doing that more effectively that England & Wales or Scotland, without convicting the innocent, then the latter countries could learn from the former. Also, there is a marked difference in conviction rates between the five NY boroughs (and also between different police forces in England & Wales).

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If this woman is truly concerned about her safety then she should never get into a car, never eat at restaurants, always wear a face mask, never turn on her computer. She should never really get out of bed. Danger lurks everywhere and the odds of being hurt in some way by many other activities are far greater than the chances of being raped even by her own statistics.

Does she campaign as vigorously against all other potential dangers? Why does she seek out the issue of rape in particular? One can only deduce that she has an agenda about men rather than rape. She is just as likely to be hurt by a woman as much as a man. Women politicians can wreak havoc in the lives of millions. Women business managers can wipe out the life savings of thousands of investors. Women doctors can make fatal mistakes. Women as mothers can ruin the lives of their children. Women bosses can bully with the best.

This person is not concerned about her safety – she is only concerned with attacking men.

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