Only one woman confined in Florida under Jimmy Ryce Act

Story here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 700 Florida men are held in a secure facility, classified as sexually violent predators, despite having completed their prison terms. Just one woman is held in the same situation.
"Men typically abuse because they are sexually aroused by children, and women typically abuse because they are trying to get emotional needs met," according to Fort Lauderdale forensic psychologist Amy Swan, chairwoman of the Florida Board of Psychology and an evaluator for the DCF.
Scientific literature indicates a "best-guess estimate" that 4 percent of women sexually touch children, compared with 7 percent of men, according to Markus Wiegel, an Atlanta psychologist specializing in female sex offender research. Collecting data on women offenders is challenging, he said, because so little research exists.

Whether more women will be snared under civil commitment laws is the subject of debate, though prosecutors and mental-health professionals agree that the number of women likely will increase, though probably not in great numbers.'

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7% of men and 4% of women?


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I would imagine those numbers are probably wrong but I would only argue that the 4% estimate for women is likely higher because so much of the 'touching' that women do every day with children would be classified as sexual touching if commuted by a male.

It's all just speculation anyway though. There is no actual numbers on such things and they would not be possible to collect anyway.

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It sounds somewhat bogus the way psychologists have broken down the respective motivatations for why males vs. females do it. You know, I have been looking at Paul Elam's new web site, and he has an excellent video posted there where he speaks about misandry in psychology in psychotherapy. It is a very serious problem. This we have here is a case in point - the misandry of the profession labels the men as bad and the women as wanting needs met. It is a clasic example of what Elam is talking about. This misandry is deeply embedded within the system - these 'professionals' do not even realize they are misandrists, unlike Nancy Grace or others in, say, the media.

His web site is A Voice for Men

The video is here


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I completely agree that misandry is a HUGE problem in the mental health field.

My question to Matt was not about differing motivations - though I believe in the case of men or women, the people that they seek out to engage in sex with are people they have a sexual attraction towards, other "emotional needs" attributed to female offenders is not a primary factor in my opinion.

I was just wondering if he'd provide some insight in to why he disagrees with the best guess figures about the percentage of the general population that may sexually touch children.

I assume that the male figure includes all the innocent behavior that men are charged criminally for that women are not, and thus the difference. I would guess the numbers are closer to equal, or the female number slightly higher if the same behaviors were measured for both genders.

But I'd love for Matt to share his thoughts on why the figures are off, keeping in mind that there never will be a true figure and all the figures generated by anyone are speculation.

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the female numbers exceed the male numbers by large multiples. "Caregiving" creates enormous license, but once you throw in the multifarious modesty violations and double standards, you get a whole other order of sexual abuse. I'd wager a lot that this victimization is behind the sexual fetishes that plague men but are rare in women.

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What? Sexual fetishes rare in women? Buddy, stop watching Dr. Phil and merely OBSERVE with your own eyes whether or not MOST women have sexual fetishes.

Fetish - a sexual attraction to a non-sexual body body part, function, or a sexual attraction towards an object.

Food. I bet everyone knows at least one woman who has fucked some food item, be it a hot dog, carrot, cucumber etc...

Do many women have multiple orgasms in shoe stores? Just watch them shop for them. If that's not a fetish, then I have no idea what is.

Bondage. Many women need to be tied to come.

Jewelry. Lots of women will come better for a diamond tennis bracelet then their husband.

Motorcycles. Why do guys with bikes get fucked when most of em are so damn ugly you couldn't imagine anything wanting to fuck em? Cause women get off like crazy for bikes!

And I mean these are just the everyday examples. Woman's sexual fetishism runs the gamut from the mundane all the way to WTF just like males sexual fetishes do.

By the way, if you have a problem with a sexual desire you have to the point you would describe it as a plague, get some counseling to help you control it, or find a girl that loves it as much as you do and go nuts.

The only thing that plagues ANYONE, is things that they are uncomfortable with about themselves. Women tend to get MUCH more acceptance for their sexual desires from modern society so they do not feel the same shame or guilt that society imposes on males. A woman showing her tits in public is not called a slut no matter what feminists may tell you. She's met with cheers and adulation from both males and females alike. The word fetish has a kind of dirty, sinister undertone to it, which is why women tend not to use it. Women are RARELY made to feel dirty or sinister about their sexuality no matter what they are fucking. Plus, when women do feel bad about their sexuality, it's almost always either the husband/boyfriend they feel guilty for betraying of the family they feel guilty for bringing shame to that is the root of their feelings. Anything else they don't give a shit about.

Look at the Hofstra false accusation case for example. Fucking 5 guys in a bathroom - awesome, till Danmel Ndonye's boyfriend smelled the stink on her minutes after the fact. Did society condemn little Danmel? No, they coddled her like an infant and blamed the boys for taking advantage of her inebriation.

Since society does not impose the guilt, women do not feel the shame about fetishes the way some men do.

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I know women that love to shop, but they do not get any sexual satisfaction out of it. I could see maybe the wearing of sexual clothes makes a woman feel sexy, but not to the exteme that Paragon is describing. Probably the same satisfaction that guys get in an electronics store buying a plasma. Fun, but not really sexual.

As far as women using food? Never heard of it except in gags or jokes or if a guy is into watching freaky things. Women never masterbate internally. That is something that men wrongly assume. A woman might do it in front of a man because she thinks it is turning him on, but never by herself or for herself. There just is not that much feeling inside, especially the deeper you go. Almost all of our sexual stimulation that drives us crazy is around the labia and the clit. A food item would never stimulate us there, so it would be a waste of time if our goal was to achieve orgasm.

Which brings me to motorcycles. YES! The vibration of the bike stimulates the clit so it really can get a girl in the mood. Again, nothing internal; and it has nothing to do with the bike or the guy, just the vibration we like. (my husband rides a bike and took me on a ride on our first date. I liked him and the vibration)

As far as true fetishes go (getting turned-on by something usually considerred non-sexual), I don't know any girl that really has any of them, but perhaps others do.

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Maybe the expression "sexual fetishes that plague men" set Paragon off. I was in a hurry and dashed the post off. Maybe the expression "sexual deviances" would've got a better (or worse) reception. My point was that the early hidden sexual abuse causes much of the sexual weirdness that some men--and, yes, fewer women--experience.

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....deviation. Personally, I believe, if you do not derive pleasure from bringing harm to others or your self (in other words, you are not a rapist of any variety) then what you do in the bedroom or where ever you do it, is all good and completely normal.

I do not believe in sexual normalism. If anything, that's just another fetish. I mean ask people who indulge in fetishes to describe people who do not. They will likely use the term vanilla. In other words, to them, the 'conservative folks' are just another weird category of people.

So I tend to fall along the lines that there is no normal, just a broad spectrum of human sexuality that is all well and good. So in my humble opinion, there is no such thing as sexual "weirdness". The only time I would recommend to some one that they seek help in controlling their urges is if it would land them in jail if they got caught.

Otherwise, if they are not hurting anyone, then they are perfectly fine.

By the way Kris, I personally know girls who can only achieve an orgasm from being fucked in the ass, so penetrative sex does get many women off. EVERY HUMAN is different. Some girls LOVE penetrative sex and penetrate themselves vigorously when they masturbate, others, not so much. Just cause you like you clit rubbed and your labia kissed more then getting fucked, does not make you representative of all females. Just like some guys HATE getting their dicks sucked. To each their own.

But trust me on this one Kris, women have MANY fetishes and it's not at all uncommon. Hell, the whole Twilight series of books is a female sexual fetish that seems to effect women and girls of all ages lol

By the way Hunchback, I apologize for my apparent rudeness, I do not mean to jump down your throat or anything. I am sorry if I come off that way. On this issue we have differing opinions, and that's fine.

But as a movement I think we should try to be as inclusive as possible, and that includes many of the people you would describe as being plagued by childhood experiences into weirdness. I also think describing people as such may discourage them from wanting to be a part of the movement.

In my opinion, the Men's Rights movement should welcome as many different types of people to be a part of it as possible. I mean, there are members here who have admitted to enjoying certain sexual behavior that the two of you would describe as deviant, and they may have feelings about issues like this as well.

I do not you Kris are a representative voice of 'women' though. I know many women who would vehemently disagree with your sexual preferences as being normative for all women, just as you would find their sexual preferences did nothing for you. But that's my point, there is no normal really. Everyone is different, men and women both have a wide range of sexual preferences. Find any fetish group you want, it will consist of men and women. And no, the women are not there simply to get the men off Kris, they are there cause they like it.

Again, sorry I sometimes come off as an asshole, I do not mean to really. But I do kindly ask that you try to use more inclusive language in some instances. It's totally cool that you do not agree with certain things, but lets not push away people from this site who may not share our opinions. Lets make this a place where the people who wish they had a voice in society are free to express their opinions. Lets not be feminists, lets include all men and women who want equality whether or not they fit a specific social mold or not. I don't give a shit if some one who wears an adult diaper wants to be an MRA, I say good for them. I don't care if a woman who only gets off from having her back scratched to the point she bleeds wants to have a voice against false rape allegations, it's great.

By the way Kris, my friend who likes it up the ass is bi and likes girls to do her with a strap on, maybe your husband would like to watch you discover just how much some girls like to be penetrated not just vaginally. She's a 28 year old dark skinned Italian girl, 'bout 5'6 120lbs, and honestly real cute. She's in the entertainment industry, and manages a few metal bands for a living. I could give you her number if you want to try something new. I'm just playing, I know you are not the type who would do something like that, but I also know for a fact there are women who are so I'm not about to condemn either way. Life's to short to be narrow minded right?

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Paragon, you've misread both me and my post. I am neither narrow-minded nor judgmental. In fact, I've always fought for inclusiveness in the MRM, insisting that MRAs leave their politics and sexual and racial biases at the door when they enter. As far as sexual proclivities, I don't give a rat's a$$ if folks get off by attending seances or squeezing the Charmin. My point was that males suffer more early sexual abuse at the hands of women, leading to our greater--what's a safe term?--sexual dislocation. The statement is clinical not disparaging. I'm through jumping through semantic hoops; I have nothing further to say.

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In my post above I am speaking from personal experience of myself and from conversations with other women as well as my knowledge of anatomy, biology and bodily function.

I use the term 'normal' in reference as how the body was designed to work. Generally, all women are built the same and all men are built the same. The sexual stimulating nerves are in the same locations. I am quite sure that if you were to conduct an autopsy on women with different 'fetishes' you would find sexual parts including nerves and their connecting muscles, glands, etc. in the same locations. It is the stimulation of these nerves that produce orgasm.

The differences Paragon is describing is really more mental. As a person can become 'reconditioned' to be stimulated in a way that is often describes as 'not normal' (as in not the way the body was designed to work). Think of Pavlov and how he re-conditioned a dog to salivate at the sight of different things. But this took re-conditioning and from a biological point of view was not how salivation was intended to be stimulated . I have no doubt that there are men and women that have been conditioned from whatever experiences to get sexually stimulated in different ways. And I never said or implied there was anything wrong with it.

Physically we are all pretty much the same, but mentally we can be very different. If a girl gets turned on in the ass, that is mental as I am sure that all of her sexual nerves are located in her vaginal area.

If a guy gets turned on by having his chin rubbed and not his dick, I would describe it as 'not-normal', and I would be willing to bet that mentally he has been reconditioned to associate chin rubbing with sexual satisfaction.

If you do not like my use of the words 'normal' or 'not normal', get over it, and replace it with whatever word would please you.

I have the same opinion you do as far as my attitude that people can do whatever they want to sexually. I don't care as long as no one is getting hurt.

PS- my husband would like that phone number.

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Why not? Sure everyone's genitals are physiologically similar, but so are everyone's tongues. Every human being's tongue is built the same. More or less the same number of taste receptors, located on the same regions of the tongue. Where I taste salt on my tongue is exactly the same region you do. Yet, try and find two people even from the same family who grew up in the same house at the same time and were fed the same food growing up that have the same tastes.

A persons tastes sexually is more akin to their taste in food then how where they have the most nerve endings. Sure, all girls have about 20 000 nerve endings in their clit, but try and find me two that like to be rubbed exactly the same. Just cause there are the same number of nerve endings does not mean that they feel the same sensations and respond to the same stimulus.

You can condition all you want, you won't change a persons sexuality if they are not open to the idea of change to begin with. Just ask all the people who think they can condition gay people out of being gay. People are just unique in that respect. I know I've dated more then one girl who hated having her clit rubbed or licked (an no, it wasn't just cause I don't know how to do it, they just did not like that sensation). Some girls absolutely LOVE it.

As far as that number goes though I'm not about to post it here lol, she would not like me very much if strangers started calling. Definitely a good looking girl though. You'd probably get along with her to cause her cousins are like your brothers, majorly into MMA and martial arts and shit. She's not really what I'd call conservative though lol. If there was some private messaging system here I'd add you to my MSN or something and introduce you. Not sure if she's dating anyone right now though, haven't talked to her in little a bit.

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