Panel recommends firing female fire chief over discrimination and harassment

Here's another update on our favorite female fire chief.

"A city panel recommended Tuesday that officials fire Bonnie Bleskachek, the nation's first openly lesbian big-city fire chief, in the wake of firefighter lawsuits accusing her of harassment and discrimination."

"Three female firefighters have sued, alleging various acts of discrimination and sexual harassment. Two of the lawsuits were settled, but this month a male firefighter brought another lawsuit alleging he was denied advancement because he is male and not gay."

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This woman looks alot like actor Tim Blake Nelson.

(sorry, can't create link)


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Looks more like Alfred E. Newman:


or perhaps Howdy Doody:


Nevertheless, a poor example of leadership and should get the boot!

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I predict she will be dismissed entirely from the metro fire fighting services.

She wants to extort $40,000 from the city for her resignation and voluntary "demotion" to a Captain post, where she will continue to draw a salary and have ready access to sexually harassing individuals under her supervision.

This lesbo predator needs to be terminated with no golden pussy parachute.

If the city keeps her on, there will be lawsuits in the future...

Although, based on her photos, they might offer her the role of fire engine dog, riding the tail end of the big engines!

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In the title, it sounds like the writer is trying to soften the issue that she is a woman who is guilty of sexual harassment..or saying, "see..only gay women do wierd stuff like this!" (as if a woman supervisor could never harass a male employee).


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