UK: German men are 'world's worst lovers' with English men in second place

Article here.

Would we ever see a report where men rate a woman's love making ability? Could you imagine the backlash if German men said women had bad hygiene or British men saying women were too lazy in bed?


'A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans are considered "too smelly".

English lovers came second because they are so lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick to finish" and came third.

Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.

The poll, carried out by global research site, asked women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.

Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish.

Men from Holland were "too rough" between the bed covers and Americans were accused of being "too dominating" in the bedroom.'

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how bout we make our own rating table of women across the world? :D

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In the future something will happen.

Prostitution will be legalized and then men will have as much power as women.
When that day comes this type of articles will be a memory from an absurd past (our present).

However in the present who cares witch men women from the first world prefer?

Too bad on them.

Honestly this article will be unimportant in the future.

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Actually I could not care less now. The only point I would want to make is to warn men not to measure themselves using any sort of sexual metric. I think there needs to be a lot more 'Frankly I don't give a dam' in our approach to women and sex.

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Have you ever been to a strip club? Are the men in such establishments empowered? Are the strippers robbing them blind, both in the fees they charge and the ACTUAL theft they commit when they have you distracted?

Legalized prostitution would simply lead to more broke men and more women with more money then Doctors and less responsibility then toddlers.

Do you really think that if North America wholly legalized whoring, that it would not be under the condition that all men who use the service are raping, murdering, child abducting monsters that 'Johns' are demonized as today? It would basically be giving any woman the right to plunder any man she likes if she claims she was a prostitute and the evil man was attempting to take advantage of a hard working woman. The Government would become the bouncers in the brothels and the Pimp. Men would lose in that scenario, and in FEMarica, that's the only way it would turn out.

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Paragon I have never been to a strip cub and agree that in these things men are just exploited. That said I think commercial sex is a good idea. Firstly it puts the relationship between a man and a woman into exactly the correct context. That it it is a financial relationship. Lifelong marriage has taught me that if nothing else.

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...would men really come out ahead in that scenario? Bouncers at a strip club will beat the crap out of a guy a stripper does not like, cops would shoot him dead. The police are trained like this, 'not every man who fucks a prostitute is a serial killer, but every serial killer has fucked a prostitute, so treat all men caught fucking a prostitute as serial killers'

Pimps take their cut and offer protection... do you think the government protections we have for women today are good? Do you think the demonizing of men who use whores would stop if it was legal? Don't count on it.

I want the government out of peoples bedrooms, not further in control of what happens in them. The only way they would legalize prostitution across the board is if they controlled it. That would end badly for men.

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I see both points of view in regards to legalizing prostitution. How does in work in Nevada or in other countries. Is the government in charge or is it privatized?

Any problem in Nevada with it being legalized in certain counties?

I can't understand a bouncer just randomly beating a guy up becasue a stripper tells them to. It looks as if strip clubs treat men well, as they seem to be full of men. Perhaps it is just an isolated incident you are referring to.

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because a stripper told him "I don't like him, beat him up", which is why she does not say that, she says "Dat motha fucka touched my pussy!", which at the strip club my friends work at as bouncers, will get the shit kicked out of you. Rule of thumb at that establishment - don't piss off the strippers [and they'll probably let you touch their pussy, if you have enough money]. If you don't have enough money to touch their pussy, they might let you anyway, but they are probably taking your gold chain off or stealing any money from your pocket while they have you distracted. If you catch them be prepared to hear them yell "Dat motha fucka touched my pussy!" and you get your ass beat while she keeps your cash and jewelry. I live close to Niagara falls, crazy crazy shit happens there. I hear the most fucked up stories all the time from the friends I have who work in a strip club. If you ever come to the falls, I can tell you which one's you really should avoid. I would imagine Vegas is similar though I have never been.

You have stripper friends, you can't really tell me you do no know how the little game works at the club.

I am all for people paying each other for a good fuckin, but from what I know of strip clubs (they are fucking awful), I would much rather the government merely looked the other way, and said none of our damn business instead of trying to control it.

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