Michael Coren: Feminism revisited

Article here. Excerpt:

'Growing up in Britain in the 1970s it was impossible not to be aware of Erin Pizzey. She was the iconic face of feminism, as she appeared on television seemingly every other night to expose what she saw as the oppression of women. She also founded of one of the first domestic violence shelters in the world. They were known as battered women’s homes in those days but the nomenclature, as well as the politics, has changed over the years. So, it seems, has Erin Pizzey.

“I would go so far as to say,” she wrote last week, “that the movement, which proclaimed that all men are potential rapists and batterers, was based on a lie that, if allowed to flourish, would result in the complete destruction of family life ... Feminism, I realized, was a lie. Women and men are both capable of extraordinary cruelty. Indeed, the only thing a child really needs — two biological parents under one roof — was being undermined by the very ideology which claimed to speak up for women’s rights.”

Pizzey seems to have arrived views which run delightfully, diametrically against the very core of contemporary feminism. And it’s difficult to know which claim will cause the most offence to the women’s movement. The battle of assumptions — that all women are merely a step away from abuse — was actually won some time ago. As early as the 1980s we were told that 50% of all women had been abused by their male partners at some point, and to question the statistic implied that the critic had something to hide.'

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Judging by the comments so far, they almost all agree with Coren and Pizzey. Here is a comment she herself entered:

"I did open the first refuge in the world in chiswick London in 1971. I knew that violence in the family was not a gender issue. both my parents were violent and it was my mother who battered me. I said from the very beginning and I warned everyone that my vision was hi-jacked by the emerging feminist movement across the western world. They wanted a just cause and funding so they demonised all men and deified all women. The result has been the distruction of family life and fathers have been made redundant. The reason why now people are suddenly discovering what I have always been saying is that only now fifty years later am I being given a hearing." - erin pizzey

Guys, I really do think the tide is slowly starting to turn.


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... that in Canada, feminism is the law, and take real actions to change it. EVERY aspect of Canadian law is subject to the influence of feminism and feminism is publicly funded here. We are paying for our own destruction.

People waking to the notion that feminists are wrong is a good start but it is hardly a victory. It's not even the first shot in the battle. Because feminism won the war here long ago, it will take a whole new war to bring down the feminist influence here... Both major political parties cater to feminists, and the alternatives like the NDP have adopted feminism as one of their core principles.

Most don't even know the half of the damage feminism has caused to Canada

Good thing the current administration in the USA aims to teach Americans all about it as they are working diligently to empower feminism by law there.

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