U.K. Court: Teacher May See 'Student Lover', 15, After Jail Time

Story here. Excerpt:

'In a controversial ruling, a British judge declined to forbid contact between a music teacher and the 15-year-old pupil with whom she’d had an affair.

A Sept. 22 article in the U.K. newspaper The Times reported that 26-year-old music teacher Helen Goddard was sentenced to a 15 month prison term and a decade-long inclusion on a sex offender registry, but that the judge declined to bar the teacher from renewing her relationship with the 15-year-old girl whom she was convicted of having an improper sexual relationship.
The prosecution in the case had sought an injunction against Goddard and the girl seeing one another for five years following Goddard’s release from prison.

The judge in the case, Anthony Pitt, refused, saying that to have imposed such a restriction would have been "draconian and cruel" toward the girl, who reportedly remains in love with Goddard.'

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If it was rape, it was a good rape.

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A man could potentially be banned from schools for life if he films his own daughter in a cheerleading competition. A woman can fuck a minor and see him after five years. Gotta love equality.

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Please attempt to stomach 'The Vagina Monologues' for the accepted definition of 'good rape' Also, please refer to the original script as a opposed to the revised version where 'The little coochie snorcher that could' is depicted as being 13.

So what makes this case different from the THOUSANDS of cases where the under aged girl or boy claimed to be in love with the adult male convicted rapist? NONE of them are ever allowed to continue the relationship when their sentence ends. Only young boys and girls are allowed to marry female rapists when they finish their sentences.

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and to think i once had respect for the brit's
judicial system.

just as bad, if not worse than ours.

equality? these clowns never heard of it.
like over here, no $$$ in it. they are trash.

the proof is right in front for all to see.
this would NEVER happen if it were a man.

they should find out what their rules actually are,
and just go by them. do away w/ all the lying at least.

example: we of the false judicial system,know we are crooks and can do whatever we want,
so we make no false pretenses as to having ideals or precepts to govern us,
and we just do what we like, or makes us the most $$$.

at least this way, they could say they are being honest.

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Britain is a police state with more surveillance cameras than China. Police there can stop and search you without probable cause. Anti-terror legislation and feminism work hand-in-hand in destroying our freedoms.

Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

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