Opinion: The unique power of crying rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Hofstra incident seems to be a classic case of a woman "crying rape" after consensual sex was followed by regrets. The woman said she was lured to a bathroom during a fraternity party, tied to a toilet stall with a rope and raped by five men. The men were arrested and briefly jailed before one of them produced a cell phone video filmed during the encounter, showing consensual sex. Confronted with the video, the woman recanted.
Many feminists argue that the problem of false accusations is so minuscule that to discuss it extensively is a harmful distraction from the far more serious problem of rape. On the other side are men's-rights activists, claiming that false accusations are as much of a scourge as rape itself.
Meanwhile, some are expressing harsh judgment of the men for engaging in group sex in a bathroom and filming it. This is not attractive behavior, to be sure. Yet we always have been told that rape victims don't need to be angels or models of chastity to deserve support. Surely the same should apply to men who are falsely accused.'

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A typical wishy-washy Cathy Young article. She is not an ally, she is at best not our enemy. In most instances she views us as no better than the feminists. It's more of "well why can't feminists and MRAs just get along? They both have the same goals, equality."

Or I could imagine her musing "Let's see, MRAs want equality and fems want superiority. Maybe they should compromise." And from what I read in Ceasefire she most definitely doesn't believe MRAs should organize in any big way.

Don't think the article was a bland non-condemnation? Imagine how her article would've read if one of the young men was her son or nephew.

If we celebrate articles such as this, we're begging for crumbs and as desperate as an ugly girl the day before the prom.

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I won't beg for crumbs. If fact I usually don't take much notice of any woman who appears to take our side. I think when it comes down to it they are not on our side at all. I would not want one at my back in a fox hole anyway.

That said I would not be all that confident of many MRAs either. Somehow I think that there are quite a few that had they not been personally damaged by feminism then they would not see a problem at all.

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from the woman whose son was prosecuted on fantastic
allegations? what a travesty of justice. getting all too common.

these courts, like the rest of this corrupt government,
doesn't resemble anything close to what was originally
set up by our forefathers. they don't practice legitimate law.
they can't, it's not possible w/o strict adherence to the long
ago established "Precepts of law". in the u.s. these precepts
are based on truth, fairness, and equality under the law, which
in turn leads to Equal Justice for all.

blindly following this trashy bunch is as bad as following
any corrupt leadership that you know is hiding the truth,
or twisting things for gain.

generally, folks have to be dealt some pain before they see/admit the truth.
we are told what to worship and when, when and where to stand and salute,
what words to recite to show allegiance, and what songs to sing
as children. these tactics are no less destructive as those used by
socialist/communist/fascist regimes throughout history.

maybe this ship of fools is soon due some serious pain, and none too soon.
they take our children and our freedoms and then expect us to stand w/ them.
not me, not again, not now, not ever.

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things like the tale that woman told about her son have BEEN COMMON for a long time, they are not getting common.

Problem is, like most other things that have gotten desperately out of hand, the problem needs to go on for the better part of a century and get to the point where boys implanted at birth with explosives (powerful enough to castrate but not damage the person he will grow up and rape)in their groin with the detonation code tattooed on their forehead, stomach, back and penis, and able to be accessed via audible spoken words detected in the detonators proximity sensor which can read the explosives RFID tag. Every female is to be issued a detonator cause you know she will be raped at some point, 1 in 4 is a gross under estimate. If she loses hers, granted access immediately upon demand to use against an attacker who may have taken hers but where she was able to get his number. Also, all detonators will be bio-metrically locked to females so no male may use them but any female may use any other females detonator, and in the event that a detonator has been taken from a female and is not accessed by a female in a 24 hour period, it will automatically detonate the last male the systems RFID reader has stored.

That should put an end to all this rape non-seance. Plus since females do not ever commit rape, and are genetically incapable of telling lies, the system will be flawless and no police or court intervention will EVER be used to investigate the circumstances where a male had had his balls blown off. Male politicians, extremely wealthy males, and male police officers will have their explosives removed and assumed honest. Males who have been detonated and go to a hospital seeking medical attention to prevent them from bleeding to death will be billed the full cost of all the medical procedures and time of the admitting staff. No medical or health insurance may cover these costs, and failure to pay will result in indefinite imprisonment. Of course payment will be problematic due to the fact that males who have been detonated are without question rapists and must conform to the National Sex Offender Act and move to a rapist ghetto and not allowed to work AT ALL.

That's pretty much how bad things would need to get to get the average person to give a shit. It would have to get worse then that for a group of people to act to change things cause we are talking about MALES here not females.

Now I think I need to go and write the 21st century equivalent of 1984. Got to wait a few years to publish it though cause if I call it 2090, I'll be dead before it then and will not live to see how close I was.

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Has nobody ever wondered why so many men have made the choice to simply not involve themselves in the affairs of women? I personally know of a number of very successful men who are not gay, but will neither date nor involve themselves in the lives of women... and for the most part their daughters fully support that choice.
21st Century 'Safe Sex for Men' is sex on video tape (cell phones work just fine) and cached in the eventually she changes her mind the next day (a la Tamara Anne Moonier, Gemma Gregory, Karin Galila, etc)and cries "RAPE!!!".
And speaking strictly for myself, I've seen too many "WOLF!!!" rape/child molestation cases to even take them seriously anymore.
Rape is to criminal courts what "HE TOUCHED MY BABY!!!" is to divorce courts... a 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' assured to thoroughly destroy a mans life... no conviction required... which may be alleged with impunity.
I personally know a man jail, convicted of possessing child porn... whom I know absolutely is innocent of the charge for which he was convicted. How do I know this you ask? Because the woman who coached his ex-wife in planting the pics on his computer has done the same thing to at LEAST 7 other men, and she tried it with me when I wouldn't play PC Word Games with her boytoy.

Gunner Retired
Falsely Accused Father and Disenfranchised Parent
Georgia State F4J Coordinator
National Parents Rights Assoc Research Consultant
Family Court Reform Alliance Archivist & Armorer
American Family Rights Assoc Armorer
Battered Husbands Support Armorer

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