Europe 'must end domestic abuse'

...for women only, of course. Story here.

This is not the first time the current Spanish government has supported the outdated, one-sided feminist definition of domestic abuse. Already a law was passed there that allowed electronic tagging after allegations of domestic violence. Gender neutral language was only used after some politicians protested. The wording then used was "persons especially in need of protection".

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Even after reading the article, I couldn't get past the picture of the man "abusing" his wife (obviously actors). That picture has more manipulative power than the actual article. Not only is misandry perpetuated around the world, but we now need illustrations to further steer people from the truth? I'm not naive, I've seen pictures (and commercials) like these before. Pure propaganda!



"Already a law was passed there that allowed electronic tagging after allegations of domestic violence." (n.j.)

I NEVER knew that! Blatantly stripping a man of his civil rights. We continually head down a dark path. I wish I could be more optimistic.

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.. because it was not reported in English on the net, but it was in German. I should have posted it here.
The language barrier between Spain and the rest of the world seems to be pretty huge. Also I can only guess what we're missing because of it, news such as this don't get widely translated and I can ensure you no English newsbite supporting our views ever gets published in German newspapers. There must be some more people here who speak foreign languages? Spanish is pretty common over there I thought. It's a bad situation because our adversaries do have publication in countless languages.

Anyway, the said system uses a neon colored (?!) wristband, the receiver is a handheld device. Once the distance between the two is smaller than 500m or so, the handset sets off an alarm and the police is being informed.

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