The Dalai Lama is a Feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

'During his closing remarks at the International Freedom Award ceremony in the Peabody Grand Ballroom today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama called upon women to help create a more compassionate world.

“I call myself a feminist,” said the Dalai Lama. “Isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?”

The audience erupted in laughter and applause. The Dalai Lama went to on say that women are more prone to compassion, since they have the responsibility of bearing children.'

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In the same breath, he also said that men are better at pointing at things because they have to aim their penises when urinating.

You know, "His Holiness", like a lot of religious leaders, has said some breathtakingly stupid things before, but this has to rank among the top 10. I suppose he forgot that the founder of his own religion was (*gasp*!) a man and (supposedly) the highest manifestation of compassion possible in the whole friggin' universe. And on top of that, he himself is supposed to be the reincarnation of the bodhisattva of compassion.

So where's his coochie-snorcher??? Huh???

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Well mcc99 it is not often that I laugh out loud but you opening sentence had me chuckling away. I can not better it so I just say BRAVO!

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I always suspected this guy was P.C. I just didn't know how bad.


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My own observation is that women demand compassion for themselves but rarely evince compassion for men or children. If anyone can show anything from a feminist Web site that evinces any form of compassion for anyone but women, you're welcome to post it. Of course, not all women are feminists. Still, the lack of compassion among feminists tells us something about women--they don't live up to their own PR.

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We all know feminists are obsessed with domestic abuse but rarely do we hear groups like NOW speak out against child abuse.

However, I do believe most women are capable of compassion for their children and husbands.

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"The Dalai Lama went to on say that women are more prone to compassion, since they have the responsibility of bearing children."

Mother Teresa had no children, and presumably neither do any of the nuns who worked with her. Fred Hollows and Albert Schweitzer did not bear any children. Typical PC rubbish - no evidence required, just opinion.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Let us not forget who the Dalai Lama really is. He has been supported since the beginning due to the fact that he was a religious leader that opposed the communists in China. The Dalai Lama is actually a facist leader of a people based on religion. The Dalai Lama would kiss the behind of any dominate paradigm that will eventually allow him to return as supreme ruler of "his" people. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, oh, and the machinations of man in the name of a god.....

David A. DeLong

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