Speaker teaches men to avoid abuse, sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has been said that "It's a man's world," but some of us take that way too literally. In fact, sometimes such sexism can turn deadly.

"The foundation of manhood is not all that different for most men," said Tony Porter, co-founder of the group A Call to Men, which deals with issues of domestic abuse and sexual violence against women.

Porter, a nationally recognized public speaker, will be in Milwaukee and Madison this week to hold training sessions sponsored by various groups dealing with the issue.

Porter has held similar training sessions for the U.S. military, assorted colleges and universities and even the United Nations. He said his goal is to teach men to avoid the pitfalls of abusive and sexist attitudes toward women.
Porter has gained a national reputation for telling men how to do right by women, but much of his message also is about redefining what it means to be a man. His sessions are designed to show men just how much sexism remains as a barrier for women, but also a barrier for society in general.

"There are aspects of manhood that need to be redefined to make it safer for women," he said. "That way, it will make it safer for us all."'

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If this guy wants to go out and help women, fine.
But it seems to me they are getting way WAY more help than men are.

He seems to dismiss most of the recent academic studies showing women are actually the violent aggressors in over 50% of cases.

oregon dad

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The real way to help men is to reveal the truth.

That men are slaves, that believe that have the power.

To stop protecting women SO MUCH.

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I've noticed that the more men try to protect women, the more women attack men. It reminds me of the last[?] scene in Catch 22: Yossarian is trying to seduce Snowden's whore, while not realizing that she's trying to kill him.

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........and illiteracy about domestic abuse.

Empirical studies say just as many women resort to domestic abuse against their partners as men do. This fact seems to get lost in the pop culture frenzy about domestic abuse.

Must not be heretical about the holy catechism of men innately bad; women innately good!

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What if we were to read: "There are aspects of womanhood that need to be redefined to make it safer for men," she said. "That way, it will make it safer for us all." I could get behind that! "Equality" Maybe someday.

David A. DeLong

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This article reminds me of an American anti Communist propaganda film I once saw. At one point there was a shot of a room full of soldiers ( N. Korean I think)accompanying this shot the narrator explained how the communist soldiers where being indoctrinated. Well now in the USA there appears to be this guy visiting military bases to educate the men on manhood. Do you honestly think that this could be anything else other than feminist indoctrination? I suspect like the N. Korean soldiers the GIs don't realy have a lot of choice in the matter. May be superficially but for sure there will be an element of coercion, there always is in the army.

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