Official: Charges 'likely' for Hofstra false rape accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

'The woman who falsely accused four men of gang-raping her in a Hofstra University dormitory bathroom is "likely" to face charges this week, a law enforcement official said, as the case became fodder for Nassau District Attorney Kathleen Rice's election opponent.

The woman, an 18-year-old freshman who has not been identified by authorities, probably will be charged "within days," said the official, who spoke Sunday on condition of anonymity because the probe is ongoing.

Nassau police and the district attorney's office are awaiting "a few pieces of corroborating evidence," the official said.
Watson, who was in charge of sex-crime prosecutions under former District Attorney Denis Dillon, said Rice should have charged the young woman "immediately."
While Rice has called the female student "a very troubled young woman in need of some help," Watson said decisions about "leniency" should be made "after charges have been brought."

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I guess we'll see how this is managed: Will she get grilled re her motives? Will, when all is said and done, when 1,000s of taxpayer dollars are spent to prosecute her, she get a slap on the wrist? Counseling? Probation? A book deal? An Oprah slot?

You know a big reason for this whole thing is the DA. While it seems almost every other crime, including murder, is treated as an actual criminal offense (ie, before an arrest there is a vetting of witnesses and facts in the matter - then only upon sufficient evidence is an arrest made - then the case goes forward... etc., etc.), rape is not. It is not treated as a crime. It is treated as something else, definitely as a P/R event at least in part, but not a crime. In this case as in so many others an allegation was made. Immediately arrests were made and names released to the press. No vetting of the witness. No attempt to corroborate. No review of the alleged crime scene or attempt to gather evidence. No questioning of people nearby who may have heard or seen something Just this: "I was raped." "By who?!" "These four guys names A, B, C, D" "Arrest them!"

That's it.

If someone suspected me of embezzling $1 million from my company, there'd be an investigation. I'd be told "Don't take any vacations." and the paper trail would be examined. If it looked like that $1 million missing was managed by me and there was no other way to account for it, a warrant would be issued and then I'd be arrested.

Embezzlement is treated as a crime. Murder is treated as a crime. Rape is treated as a public relations event.

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Call me a cynic, but I truly hope this isn't the way of the future in regards to other crimes. There is already more than enough tyranny to go around.

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.... Just the current way of repeating the past. In the past it there were things like crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts.... These were all events brought about by fear where something achieved ultimate evil status and a massive effort was made to destroy it, believing that once all the witches were dead all the other bad things in the world would just stop happening.

"Protecting our children", and "rape" are the modern day versions of fighting sorcery and witches. It has been determined by the collective consciousness these days that anything to do with harming children is akin to acts of witchcraft to spoil crops back in the day and the new witches are rapists.

There is always that one category of crime that draws public attention like no other and becomes the symbol for ultimate evil in the world and is persecuted rather then prosecuted. They used to drown people to test if they were witches, if the drowned they got a Christian burial, if they didn't they got burned at the Stake and no Christian burial. People accused of Rape these days are locked up immediately and shunned indefinitely as even if you are acquitted there is no way to erase the fact that you were charged from your record. Just as once accused of being a witch (oh and it was not just women a full 1/3 of people killed for witchcraft related offenses were male) that person was pretty much fucked.

Sexual offenses didn't matter as much back then cause people married at 12, and if you had sex you had kids which meant more people to work the field which was good. So rape was only a big deal for most of human history if it was committed against some one's wife. Otherwise, no big deal cause there were far more pressing concerns like who cast the spell that brought all the locust who ate the crop.

Every era has it's demons to fight and every era that follows laughs at the obsurdity of the eras before them.

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... but i dont expect it.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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