Examiner: Why women are attracted to bad boys, thugs, and players

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'The man that a woman deems to be "too nice" does not, BY HER INDIVIDUAL STANDARDS, present himself as the image of masculine power, strength, confidence, charisma, energy, sexuality, decisiveness, or character.

Too nice also means:

You are a wimp in that woman's eyes... milquetoast, sensitive and soft like a woman.

you are confused about what to do and how to do it to protect yourself when you see a game being run.

you have low self esteem and don't demand respect from the women you date in an effort to please, which comes across as groveling.

you are always there for people that are never there for you. Too nice means your family knows you are an easy tap for rent money after they spent theirs gambling in Reno.

your boss has no problem calling you in do work and assignments on the weekend, even though s/he knows you have plans with your family.'

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This woman's confused ideas about what she would like in a man are revealed by her rambling, inconsistent and incomprehensible article. It is of no use to MRAs. Men can drive themselves crazy trying to give women what they want... when a large percentage of the time women don't even know what they want. What men too often do is forget about themselves, devoting their energies almost exclusively to the wife/girlfriend and kids. Men need to rediscover that they have needs and wants, and it is OK to pursue those needs and wants...

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