Israel: Violent female soldier caught on camera

Here's a great example of how extremely violently women can freely behave in Israel without getting punished at all. You can watch and see it in this video.

A male soldier get into a bus, the driver asking him to step out only because there's no empty seat left in the bus but he refuses. A female soldier getting angry on him, assaulting him using both physical and verbal violence in order to throw him out of the bus. I can't even translate what she say because it's so extremely vulgar!

The Israeli media did show this story but covered her face in order to protect her, as they mostly do with female criminals.

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I'd really like to know what she was saying and have more information about the context. I don't condone her apparent violent behavior and even if the other soldier should have gotten off the bus when the driver said to, unless she was an M.P., she had no right to take that action. Still, buses have been known to get blown up in Israel, as we all know, and so it's possible that concern had something to do with what we saw.

Well if someone can supply a translation (even in a general sense) of what she was saying, that'd be great.

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I agree mcc99.

Without context I can't make a judgement. She's rude and obnoxious but that's no crime. And where was the violence?

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I wouldn't present this as an example of female violence as people will come here, look at this and think "Is that what these MRA types mean by female violence? what are they whining about?" On my own site i stick to stuff that nobody will argue with - murder, broken bones and videos of girls beating the tar out of one another.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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First, it's nothing to do with security, the female-soldier you see screaming like a maniac is just one of the passengers. The driver turned off the engine and said he won't proceed till the male soldier will step out of the bus (only because there's no seat left).

I Never heared such a thing, bus driver can't throw out a passenger only because there's no place for him to sit! It's very common thing for bus passengers to stand.

She saying:"you wasted 15 minutes of my time, you son of prostitute!" and threating she'll explode on him (some kind of slang), she violenly pulling his hand, pushing and shoving him, isn't this a violent & criminal behaviour???

Imagine reverse situation with MALE throwing out a FEMALE then you'll maybe understand.

Gee, sometimes I really ashamed to be man!!!

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