'Circumcision for All; Free Choice for None'

Article here. I gave the author, Stephanie R. Murphy a very positive e-mail in agreement with her opinions. stephaniemurphy4-at-gmail.com. Excerpt:

'By contrast, the CDC’s attitude demonstrates a lack of consideration for patient autonomy and consent, two essential elements in all medical decisions. The CDC would like every baby boy born in America to be circumcised, no matter the opinion of his parents and, more importantly, without the boy’s consent. If circumcision were a medically necessary and life-saving procedure with no possible ill effects, things might be different. In reality, it is a surgical procedure that is not essential for the health of a normal man; furthermore, it has both risks and benefits. The relative importance of those risks and benefits is subjective. Every man may value them differently. For that reason, it’s essential that each individual be afforded the choice about what to do with his own foreskin.
I certainly cannot agree with the CDC’s move toward making a blanket recommendation that all boys should undergo a medical procedure at birth, without their consent. I want each man to have the opportunity to make his own decision about what to do with his foreskin when he reaches an age at which he is capable of doing so, based on his understanding of the risks and benefits, and how much he personally values each. The bloated, overreaching federal government apparently does not want the same.'

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I thought her article was outstanding! Aside from feminists, castrated man slaves, and politically correct fascists, most women will protect boys from genital mutilation. Unfortunately most parents don't know any better.

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It is truly flabbergasting to keep reading the whole "it has benefits and risks" line, over and over again. The ridiculous of saying such a thing is that any, ANY, medical procedure, has benefits.

Cut your arm off? No carpal tunnel.
Cut your leg off? No athlete's foot.
Cut your scalp, no dandruf, cut your earlobe, no earring infections, pull your teeth out, no caries, etc etc.
Cut your head off? 100% less chance of migraines.

Did it sound ridiculous? It is ridiculous. That it sounds ridiculous with any body part but not with foreskin tells far more about just how little value people place on the foreskin than it does about how prone to problems the foreskin is.

People just don't know what a foreskin is, what value to place on it. Millions of men lived their whole lives not knowing what it is to have one, learning (prejudice) about the foreskin from locker room jokes and from a society that seemingly despises that which they never had. Millions of women lived their lives knowing only circumcised penises, experiencing foreskins only in jokes and scoffing remarks.

This whole ordeal in the US boils down to simple ignorance... and the people who make a fat buck promoting said ignorance.

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She had the courtesy to send me an e-mail. Its not much of a response, but most authors don't even bother.

From: Stephanie Murphy
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: circumcision

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the article!

Best wishes,


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