Canada: 45 days in jail for teacher who had 'sex' with boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'OSHAWA -- A former Durham Region teacher has been sentenced to 45 days in jail and a year of house arrest after admitting to a sexual relationship with a teenaged boy.

Jill Sparks, of Bowmanville, trembled visibly as she offered a tearful apology in an Oshawa courtroom Monday morning, often sobbing as she described the toll her crime and conviction have taken on herself and her family.
Justice Halikowski imposed a sentence of 45 days in jail in addition to a 12-month conditional sentence, during which Ms. Sparks will be confined to her home. She will be on the federal sex offenders list for 20 years and has been ordered to submit a sample of her DNA. She is prohibited for 10 years from working or volunteering with children.'

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WOW! What a stern sentence! The court sure made an example of that poor woman. I mean they really threw the book at her. Good thing she can work with children again in 10 years. I am certaim such a harsh sentence will deter her from sexually assaulting boys in the future when she feels blue and needs a young boy to play with to lift her spirits.

Plus where the hell did they come up with this 20 years on the sex offender registry thing? I've read both the provincial law in Ontario and the national law and both only allow two options, 10 years or life. Sexual assault = life on both the Ontario sex offender registry and the National sex offender registry. But, she's a woman so they had to invent something just for her that's not even on the books. That way she'll win her appeal cause they gave her a term on the registry that is not even allowable under the law.

Oh Canada!

My country is so fucked up!

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I'm a Canadian too and I wholeheartedly agree with your comment in regards to this story and the majority of your comments on this board!

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I mean, what other developed, first world country on Earth has had 4 federal elections in the past 6 years and is looking like it will be 5 by Christmas?

Of course the reason why we put up with things like our current political and justice systems was illustrated to me tonight by my girlfriend.

She was watching Larry King tonight, cause Dr. Phil was filling in for Larry and talking about the Jayce Dugaurd case. She is eating up all the coverage of the Guarrido case and she likes Dr Phil (I know, she's just a casual girlfriend I do not live with her and will not impregnate her) I was not paying much attention, until I heard him talking to one of the guest crime scene investigators, and he said:

"The average rapist has accumulated between 100 and 400 victims by the time they get caught"

I've heard this myth before, though it was 200 the last time (I guess Dr Phill just decided to expand it both directions to make it sound even less credible). I just never thought I would hear someone with doctorate who claims to HELP people with their mental health repeat it on national television (though I passionately loath Dr Phill).

He was talking at the time with a crime scene investigator guest in reference to the ongoing effort to pin every unsolved sex crime in the USA on Phillip Guarrido. He then asked the guy "Based on that..." to hypothesize " many cases do you think will be solved as a result of the investigation of the Guarrido house?" The crime scene investigator said he expects new light to be shed on many unsolved cases.

But lets think about that for a second. Between 100 and 400 victims before they get caught? Really? Then I wondered how a person can claim that with a straight face as Gospel truth and still be labeled sane? Do I really even need to begin to explain just how utterly impossible that is?

So, I asked my girlfriend if she heard what he had just said, to which she responded

"Yeah, I head it, so? Some people don't ever get caught."

I said, "Yes it is true that some people never get caught, but do you believe this thing he said about between 100 and 400 victims? Do you believe ANYONE is good enough at not getting caught to RAPE 400 people and not get caught?" To which she said


I consider her to be a pretty average person. It just shocks me that so many people's brains are on complete auto pilot that some one can present the most ridiculous statement ever uttered with regards to the act of rape, and an average person does not question it in any way.

People just go along with virtually anything. They just accept that some complete moron who calls himself Doctor has even one ounce of credibility. They do this with politicians, police, judges, teachers... No one questions things anymore, they just go along with the flow completely blind.

By the way, I know I did not explain why the 100 - 400 victims thing is completely and totally 100% impossible beyond any doubt at all, but if anyone really needs an explanation, please, please stop watching television, and using the internet and start using your mind for something other then breathing, digesting and blinking.

Some days I wonder if it's even possible to change the current state of affairs for men.

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