SUNY Plattsburgh: Women Studies Department Offers Course In 'Men and Masculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men and Masculinities, a new general education course, has been added to the curriculum, as well. It was first offered in fall '08, with only three male students. The course quickly gained popularity, being offered online in both winter and summer. This semester 43 students enrolled in the course,one-third of them being men.
"It's a transformative experience for them. It gives them the opportunity to talk about what it means to be a man," says Sharoni. "They can relate to the material and they do great work in the class. At the same time, women are very excited to study gender alongside men as it is clear that men have a crucial role to play in the struggle for gender justice."
"Gender and Women's Studies is relevant to everyone that advocates social, economic, and political equality," says Brandon. "Men especially need to take an interest in the subject as members of the culture that promotes superiority over women."'

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This is a course that is sure to produce drone after drone that parrots the rad-fem line.

I have always thought that one of our primary objectives, should be to produce higher ed curriculum that tells our side of things.

From the brief description, it seems to me that this course is a good example of what NOT to do.

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"The size of the gender and women's studies Department has tripled since 2006. It now boasts close to 30 majors and 30 minors. The department's expansion has reached across the gender lines."

The propoganda department grows stronger still. The men and masculinities course is basically a feminist course that will be used to indoctrinate men into believe feminist lies. They'll produce self loathing men who feel guilty for being men, which will push them into supporting feminism.

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This could be a good thing. Most men are completely oblivious to gender issues. Put them in a classroom with some feminist telling them their shit and more times then not, they'll fight back. Once they see feminism for what it is, they might choose a crusade similar to what we do.

I see feminism as Strep throat and MANN as the Penicillin.

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A few years back I spent a weekend in Plattsburgh NY. What a great time! Two pitchers of Genesee cream ale for 3 bucks! It was called 'skunk beer'.

I saw an Allman Brothers cover band called -- 'Free beer and Chicken'. I'm not a big fan of Southern rock, but overall, a great time.

Unfortunately, I went in February and it was frigid. Plattsburgh is situated on the Vermont border about 8 hours north of NYC. In fact, its about 30 minutes south of Canada.

FYI: 'SUNY' stands for -- State University of New York.

How is this relevant? I guess its not :)


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A woman cannot teach about what it is like to be a man.
Just like a fish cannot know what it is like to be a bicycle.

oregon dad

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Anthony wrote:

This could be a good thing. Most men are completely oblivious to gender issues. Put them in a classroom with some feminist telling them their shit and more times then not, they'll fight back.


I think there's is ample evidence that this is not true. A man rarely fights back, even when faced with the most outrageous privilege-seeking feminist. More often he'll step up his efforts to provide what a women wants, as if he's automatically responsible for her dissatisfaction. That's the problem - few of us challenge our perceived obligation to provide a woman with what she wants. The desire to make women happy drives a huge majority of men.

As long as men see approval from women as their highest calling in life, the crap will continue.

It's ironic, but feminists have taken advantage of men's desire to make women happy and used it to promote the anti-male agenda. Guilt-tripping is the #1 feminist tactic. They'd get nowhere without it.

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