Teen admits to false sexual assault claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A high school girl who falsely reported she had been sexually assaulted by a classmate was put on 10 months probation Thursday in Sarnia court.

The 16-year-old pleaded guilty to making the false report to Sarnia police in the spring.

The girl and a male student went to a park near their school for consensual sexual activity before returning to school.

She later told police she had been assaulted by the boy.

A police investigation determined it was a false allegation but not before the boy was interviewed by police and the girl underwent a sexual assault examination at the hospital.

The girl admitted the allegation was false.

The girl's mental health issues played a large part in the false report, said defence lawyer Noelle Wright.

The boy had developmental issues but the girl did not take advantage of him during the incident, said Wright.'

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"Austin ordered the girl to write an apology to the boy and perform 40 hours of community service as repayment for the crime."

Isn't that sweet, she used a mentally disabled boy as a sex toy and then tried to have him jailed when she was done with him and she has to write a letter and will have no criminal record.

She raped him TWICE! Once when she used him to get herself off, cause really should we hold a mentally disabled to the same standards of maturity, understanding and consent as this cunning little criminal? Then she raped him again, far more brutally this time, by trying to have the rest of his life ruined. Cause the rest of his life would be ruined as in Canada a sexual assault conviction would have earned him life on the sex offender registry.

But she gets away without a criminal record. Pussy power. To bad without a criminal record men wont know to stay away from her when she's older and even more sophisticated and devious.

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