DNA Evidence Clears Florida Man After 26 Years

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'Anthony Caravella was ordered released after a private laboratory test revealed someone else's DNA at the crime scene.

Although it was once considered a rare and remarkable event, a growing number of defendants are being ordered freed from prison as DNA tests continue to uncover evidence of false confessions, shoddy police work, and questionable prosecution tactics.

Mr. Caravella's release on Thursday is conditional, pending further investigation. If the release order becomes permanent he will be the 243rd person freed by DNA evidence nationwide, the 11th in Florida, and the fourth in Broward County.

Seth Miller, executive director of the Innocence Project of Florida, says despite the proven success of such efforts it is becoming increasingly difficult for defense lawyers to pursue DNA testing.'

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...and the prosecutor decided it would be easier to lock up the mentally retarded boy since he will be not be able to assist in his own defense on the witness stand and probably was simply not able to understand what the hell the police were doing to him in the first place.

Justice system is the wrong name for systems we have in place in the Western World because the systems are DESIGNED to pervert justice from the very beginning. Police are TRAINED to LIE and DECEIVE. Prosecutors are trained to CONCEAL POLICE DECEPTION. Judges are motivated by POLITICAL forces who put them in power. At no stage of the "justice" system in ANY Western Country is the pursuit justice the primary focus of anyone involved.

Screw healthcare, tell Obama to make the justice system as fair to the underprivileged as it is to the rich.

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