UK: 'A man's instinct for violence can never be 'cured'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young men are dangerous. They are particularly dangerous when they gather together in packs. Is this news to anybody? It would seem so. The years of self-delusion, in which the people who determine these things actually believed that they had ruled male aggression out of legitimate social life, have made it necessary to state the obvious truth once again.

So here it is: men have a primary impulse (innate? hormonal? environmentally determined? who cares?) to band together and engage in quasi-tribal conflict. Stable and enlightened institutions can educate them out of the more gratuitous forms of this behaviour by channelling the impulse into disciplined, formalised activities. When such influences are lacking, and especially when the inclinations are not harnessed to any acceptable group loyalty, such as family or genuine community, mayhem is likely to result.'


Guess she has been oblivious to stories like this one. Oh well...

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...women are worse. After all, society invests a huge amount of resources in teaching men to be violent and women to be the opposite, yet they still make up between 18% and 33% of America's serial killers and commit most of the child abuse. Seems pretty obvious that if we ever start raising boys and girls the same way women will dominate violent crime, and that's while remaining the smaller sex - imagine if they were all 5'10" and 190 lb like the average American male!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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One could just as easily argue that men have an innate tendency to create stable societies, civilizations, governments, science, medicine, religion and literature--all of which were created primarily by men. Most of those enlightened institutions Mz. Daly talks about were also created by men.

What's true is that if you don't give men a place in society, they will turn against society and create their own, a society in which they can have a role, a place, a purpose. And, yes, they will use violence if needed, just as men also use violence to defend their homeland, as many men did during the siege of London in WWII, many of them young men.

Why not complain about their behavior and the benefits the author received from their sacrifices?

Our modern culture attempts to strip men of their purpose, their worth, their dignity, their inherent value, their freedoms, their hopes, their families, their property, and then we wonder why some of those young men turn against society? A society that refuses to see the violence perpetrated by women? And that gives women a clear and honored role while denying men a role?

We set out to destroy men's lives and we wonder why they fight back?


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This 'men are violent' is overstated. I think one just has to examine ones own life. Apart from a few minor scraps as a child I have never even come near to any violence, and I am approaching old age. I expect the same is true from you. Certainly I feel rage and anger but that's quite a different thing.

It could be that when cornered and threatened men will either lash out or become violent. I don't see this as a problem and indeed it may be the only way we will fight our way out of feminism.

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Camille Paglia:

"Masculinity is by far the most creative social force."

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