"Christianity Today" Women's Blog: "The Case for Male Circumcision"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'What mother hasn’t, in the halcyon days after the birth of a son, felt her ferocious she-wolf instincts kick in when it comes time for her boy to be circumcised? Having perhaps suffered violence to her genitals during the birth, the physical ache to all that is vulnerable in her world can seem unbearable. And then it is done, and life goes on.

Anti-circumcision activists would have us believe that life does not in fact go on, that boys grow into men whose sexual pleasure (and that of the women they love) is compromised by this act of “genital mutilation.” While increasing numbers are swayed by both argument and sentiment, I’m stupefied by the controversy.

Male sexual pleasure is not my highest priority, having rarely witnessed a lack thereof. Nor is my own, if in fact I’m speaking out of my ignorance of the delight foreskin can deliver. What I am concerned about is sky-rocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and the gender inequality evident in these rates.'

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The first three paras. comprise a near-endless amount of material.

"Having perhaps suffered violence to her genitals during the birth..."

Child-birth may include violence to genitals, sure. There may be injuries that result from a difficult birth. But guess what-- your labia minor is unlikely to get cut off during a difficult birth. If the surgeons have to make incisions, then it's to keep the birth from resulting in a worse state of affairs. But in any case, it happens when you're an adult and can make decisions about whether to take the risks associated with having a baby. Babies themselves cannot.

"I’m stupefied by the controversy."

I doubt you would be if you had a penis.

"Male sexual pleasure is not my highest priority,..."

Figured that already.

"...if in fact I’m speaking out of my ignorance of the delight foreskin can deliver..."

Indeed you are.

"What I am concerned about is sky-rocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and the gender inequality evident in these rates."

OK, so let me get this straight. A male with an STD may give it to a female and then one says that this awful male gave her the STD. Well we know that the fellow likes sex with women, otherwise he would not have had sex with the female. Now assuming he is str8 and not bi, he had to have gotten the STD from someone. That someone was likely to be female. So I ask the author of this blog entry, why isn't she as condemning of the female who gave the STD to the male?

Her complaint that chlamydia occurs at 3x the rates in females as males has to do with the particular biological roles of the sexes' reproductive organs and their particular design differences. Cutting off foreskins may reduce STDs spreading marginally but probably not due to a reduction in contact area. More likely any reduction detected (and I have my serious doubts about these studies) is due to the fact that since sex is not as pleasurable for circumcised men as uncircumcised ones, they are probably less likely to have it. Or didn't anyone who did these "studies" look into that possibility? Perhaps, but maybe they just didn't care.

So what is the answer to my question? This: She is a female chauvinist bigot. Would she support removal of the labias-minor of infant girls if by reducing skin contact area one could reduce the transmission rate (for whatever reason) of STDs? Doubt it. She mentions that gov'ts are "coercing" girls into taking injections of Gardasil. Is "coercing" parents or men into getting circumcisions for their infant sons or themselves less wrong? Seems the author thinks so.

But at least she takes down the religious angle of the matter when she closes with this: "As for the biblical mandate to circumcise, the apostles settled that one for Christians in the first century (Acts 15:6-11; Gal. 5:6). It’s unnecessary." That's about the only thing she got right.

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The author actually responded to some of the comments.


"Thanks for all the comments. I expect that some of our regular readers can parse a little hyperbole now and then. As to those of you who are passionately opposed to circumcision, my position on the issue is more "give me a break, women have been..." than anything else.

CL, so it's only complementarianism that has the power to oppress, eh? I'm exceedingly grateful for feminism, but also committed to confronting its excesses and distortions as I don't believe it's the one virgin ideology in all of human history. You also don't get to tell me what influences shaped my life and decision making. There were others besides 2nd wave feminism, but it was central in many respects.

Adam S., I have no doubt that you, like my own husband are more than capable of good hygiene. There are a lot of men, particularly adolescent ones, who I would not trust my own or my nieces' sexual health to."

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I don't have too much time to comment on this right now, but I have alot of thoughts running thru my mind. Dissgusting is one thought, I'll write more later if I have time.

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The woman is a feminazi. She aptly illustrates why christainity is a dying religion. It's quite clear that drastic action is needed to eliminate feminists like Christine Scheller. Baby boys have the right to live safely free from feminists demented agendas. We're in the middle of a war and men aren't doing anything. The most powerful force on this planet is men. It's about time men pooled together and started using that force to destory feminists like Scheller and their male enablers.

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Men are now the only culprits when spreading an STD ?

Do feminists realize heterosexual men condract STD's from women?

They'll say its up to the man to wear a condom. They fail to realize contraception is a 50/50 responsibility.

Feminism and accountability is non existent.

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"What I am concerned about is sky-rocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and the gender inequality evident in these rates.'"

Skyrocketing rates? 'Gender inequality'? Does she have any numbers to back up those claims??

The lady is a hysteric.


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What do you guys think of the picture in the blog? A picture of a distraught baby.

It was chosen for a reason.

I'm interested in hearing how you guys interpret that.

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I think it's mainly her 'subconscious' at work in picking that one -she went looking for baby pix, and she feels distraught over the issue about which she is writing.


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How pathetic. She couldn't handle the replies she got from people against her misandry so she called her husband to fight for her in the comments section. Goes to show how spineless women are.

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Ever heard of 'MY BODY MY CHOICE'?

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"Goes to show how spineless women are"

I hope you mean 'some' women.

I don't appreciate being called spineless here!

And I have met some spineless men in my lifetime.

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Kris, I think he probably meant some women. Lots of times on MR boards you'll see men appear to be 'generalizing', but it is only a manner of speaking. It can get tedious to keep using 'some', 'a fair number', etc.


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