CBS: Does Wall Street Need More Women?

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'If there had been a critical mass of women over a period of time at the decision-making tables, would we be in the place that we are in today? I don't think so," Zehner said.

The economic meltdown might not have been as severe, she says, if more women were in the executive suites on Wall Street.

Quoting a post-meltdown refrain: if instead of Lehman Brothers, it were Lehman Brothers and Sisters.

That's why at Pax World Mutual Funds, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, three of the firm's six portfolio managers are women.

"I do think that when women are at the table, there's a richer discussion on issues like risk and that you make better decisions because of their input," said Joe Keefe, president and CEO of Pax World.

"It's not just the right thing to do anymore just because it's the right thing," Zehner said. "It's the right business thing to do."

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Sounds like speculation to me. You know, when the economy does start to turn, they're probably going to attribute the improvement to the increased number of women in business.

Of course when the next cyclical downturn occurs, that will be men's fault again.


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to blame men and praise women at the moment. My question is, when will women start owning their own tragedies as well as triumphs? Better still, if men have no jobs, who pays child support?

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Womens propoganda. Women are a bane on business, all they ever do is create problems.

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