's latest foolishness

All I can think is that has taken a page from MSN and happily copied it. These sorts of "stories" are now a regular thing on their news site. Excerpt:

'LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Working long hours has a greater negative impact on women than men because it makes them more likely to smoke, drink coffee and eat unhealthy food.

'Both sexes consume less alcohol if they spend more time working, researchers said this week, but toiling extra hours makes women crave unhealthy snacks.'

Let's see, where to begin deconstructing this claptrap...

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So when the pressure is turned up, the men pull themselves up by their boot-straps and get the job done; whereas, the women can be found either on a smoke break or hanging out by the vending machines stuffing junk food in their pie-holes. If they can't take the heat, then, they should get out of the kitchen! Or is that go back to the kitchen? LOL

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This is the type of article that minimizes the suffering of men as opposed to the type that eliminates it entirely.

My observations from working IT which includes some strange and long hours...
1. At 2am I don't make the effort to look for something healthful, I raid the vending machines. And I generally skip the one that might have healthy snacks...
2. Longer hours mean I'm tired and thus have less time for the gym. When I'm able to make it to the gym I have a less intense workout.
3. I read somewhere that people who are tired eat more. I know I eat more when tired...

Work hazards apply equally to men and women -- men complain less though...

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EVERYONE eats more when they are tired. It is how you body makes up for the lack of energy you get from a good nights sleep. But as we are men we are not humans, we are nothing more than work machines to make the lives of women easy. Anyone ever see the old black and white movie Metropolis? Men are the mindless drones made to work out of site to keep the city going while women sit topside and should have no worries. We are the ones who collect the trash, build the buildings and do all the life threatening jobs. That’s just the way the Feminazi-Reich wants it. So they can get of at 5 (hell, knock off at 4:30) so they can sip martinis, objectify men, and play the victim of society!!

Sick Boi

Men's Rights NOW!!

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This article makes me laugh. And I immedaitely thought of the one posted here on Friday about the World Health Organizations efforts to help women stop smoking, yet they mention that men already smoke at 4 times the ratethat women do world wide.

And numerous studies show that men consume on average more alcohol then women do aswell.

Perhaps all the stress of creating and maintaing all of society that men have endured since the dawn of humanity is part of the reason why we tend to drink and smoke more to begin with.

Yet, since the stress of working high pressure jobs is new for women they are merely catching up to the unhealthy lifestyles that these kinds of jobs have caused men, well, forever.

Of course rapid action must be taken to take pressure off the girls (and subsiquently put more on the men as there is still the same amount of work that needs to be done) so that they will not get fat and smoke and start developing the related deseases like lung cancer and heart desease and no longer out live their male counter parts.

This article also fails to mention another of the reasons that the wage gap is a myth. That women without children tend to work about three months less per year at full time positions then their male counterparts because they leave early more, work less overtime, and take far more "personal" days then men. Yet still manage to take home over 90% of a mans pay in the same positions anual income. Work 25% less time, for over 90% of the pay. What a freakin' good deal that is!

Already, women without children seem to have less stress and more money then men without children.

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The Feminazis could spin this article either way. Either women should be given special rights at work because it's a patriarch, or that the article is encouraging women to not work and that is because of the patriarch. Hell, you may see them quote the article in two different topics.

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Work hazards don't actually affect men and women equally. Males are far more likely than females to do the most physically dangerous, risky and uncomfortable work -- also more likely to work the least desirable shifts and locations. Men make up more than 90 percent of occupational deaths in the US (and undoubtedly other countries as well).

Also, it is worth repeating that single, college-educated, childless women who have careers enjoy greater compensation than their male counterparts. They may put in fewer hours for similar pay, or get paid more for the same hours. That's just another example of anti-male discrimination that our feminist friends ignore.

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"... toiling extra hours makes women crave unhealthy snacks."

OK, sounds simple enough; however, what MAKES the junk food go into women's mouths?

The food is not launching itself into their digestive tracts.

Oh, it must be a woman's CHOICE to pollute her stress-ridden carcass with unhealthy substances!

But this can't be an explanation under the doctrine of feminism, because Fem-Rule #1 is that nothing women do or do not do shall ever be interpreted as meaning she has any individual power or choice.

That would mean she can't be a full-time victim of the Evil Patriarchy.

Which in turn would mean women might have to give up being society's Big Babies with no accountability.

Blame men, blame food, blame oxygen....

you'll never hear a feminist accept personal responsibility for anything.

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No story there though. Screw CNN and the Empty Suits in the media. The fact is that 94% of those who die on the job are Men. You know the other "disposable" gender. This is another propaganda piece by the Lace Curtain crowd at the Clinton News Network. Screw them and AOHell.

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This seems rather silly to me. When men work longer hours, they eat more -- but they tend to eat it in their meals. They're hungrier, so they eat larger meals, and don't snack otherwise. A lot of women, on the other hand, seem to expect to be able to work longer hours (and harder labor) on the same amount of food from meals (dieting/maintaining a figure BS). Their bodies run short on fuel. They aren't craving unhealthy snacks, they're craving sustenance! But instead of connecting this craving with not eating enough at mealtime, they blame it on the work. Um, duh.

Granted, society does have it's accepted ways of dealing with stress. For men, this happens to be something healthy -- going to the pub, having a few drinks, letting out the stress, and moving on. On the other hand, society teaches women that when they're stressed, food can make it better. Men are raised to know how to deal with stress healthily, women aren't. But there's a better solution than giving women preferential treatment -- if a behavior is causing a problem, *change the behavior.*

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"Men are raised to know how to deal with stress healthily [by going to a bar and drinking], women aren't."--mirage358

I'm not sure that men's reliance on alcohol is really a healthy stress reducer. Men are more likely to have serious alcohol addiction problems along with the risks that come with that ie., liver disease, DUI, violent reactions in the home, job loss, etc.

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you'll never hear a feminist accept personal responsibility for anything.

Not only feminists. Most of the women doesn't accept responsability.

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This is very true; societal stereotypes aren't really fair to anybody. Which is a good reason for both sexes to think about their actions and stop doing the ones that are harmful -- both to themselves and society.

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