Woman faces charges after false rape claim

Story here.

'A WOMAN has been charged with three counts of perverting the course of justice after police investigated rape allegations.

Amanda Ruth Ossitt, 44, of Avenue Close, Harrogate, appeared before the town's magistrates on Tuesday and was sent for trial at York Crown Court, where she will make an initial appearance on Monday.

Ossitt, who did not enter any pleas, is accused of making a false report of rape on November 8, 2006, on April 4 this year and on May 16.'

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It is high time to make making a false rape accusation a crime in itself not some soft soap charge of filing a false police report!

It is rape! Deal with it as such!

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So she went to York Crown Court on Monday, pleaded guilty to all three charges. The judge said, you have problems, go see a doctor, free to go. Justice, I think not.

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