Australia: "Domestic violence starts in toddlers"

Article here. We're reaching a new low in domestic abuse rhetoric. The new culprit? You guessed it -- toddlers! The VAWA has abused the constitution to alienate fathers from their families. It pains me to wonder whats in store for our nation's boys. Excerpt:

'A first-of-its-kind-study in Perth has shed a new light on domestic violence and its shocking culprits - children.

Boys and girls starting as young as two have been reported as being verbally abusive towards their mothers before graduating to psychological, emotional and physical abuse at a later age.

Ashleigh Haw, who co-ordinates the Parenting Over Violence Project, has found that teenage boys make up the majority of those committing more serious abuses.'

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Verbally abusive toward their mothers? You mean like, "nah-na-na, I don't want to wipe up my milk!!"


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The system wants to start brainwashing two year olds now. I guess if they start "teaching" them about politically correct domestic abuse at that early age they hope to have them grow up into completely complaint, mindless automatons who will serve the State bidding.

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this is REALLY reaching. I suppose it can be argued that a fetus is commiting domestic violence against women by developing. At this point, that wouldn't suprise me much.

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she got a grant and needs to prove some type correlation to get somemo $$$.

her research led her to 2 y.o.'s abusing women, and further "academic"
study showed that (surprise surprise) teenage boys were/are also bla bla bla.

when (not if) she gets further $$ to continue this IMPORTANT research,
she should call me. i have written a computer program (in midelesian zoran) that allows
me to not only tell immediately if the is child about to begin abusing the mother,

it can translate 2 y.o. talk into proper English. you should hear the stuff i hear.
i fell abused too, just listening. i can help.

call me.

i also believe this one is far more published than she is leading us to believe.
don't i recognize some of her hypotheses as being similar & mindful of some past n.o.w./university women sponsored "academic" research via v.a.w.a. $$$? thought so.
fyi - my program actually works best on poor morbidly obese underfed u.s. 2 y.o.'s., honest.
i have the research.
that would be as opposed to the poor ones i see on t.v., somewhere in Africa. sure looks like a different kind of poor to me.

ck out this def. from MWeb. online- opposed: contrary< with polititians, as opposed to soap, you cannot return what you have bought. - felix roharyn.

dam, rub it in why don't ya?

only levity can keep some of us sane amid all this expensive new cutting edge science -daveinga.

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