Sweden: 'Taxpayers should not have to fund feminist porn'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Engberg has also tried to make feminist porn before, which has resulted in a lesbian porn film and a film of women's' facial expressions at the point of orgasm. Her vision is to get make the porn industry more appealing to women, all in the name of feminism. She also claims that women's sexuality is more multi-faceted than men's.

But to argue that girls having sex with girls and women masturbating is somehow a good alternative to mainstream porn feels like a completely alien concept to me, and to many other women. Furthermore, most people would agree that the state should not fund pornography. And when it does, should it really only benefit women, all in the name of equality? If a man had sought and received similar funding for ‘regular’ porn, it wouldn’t have taken long before there was an outcry from supporters of equality between the sexes.

Although the market catering for women's sexuality is increasing, it is still limited. There can be no doubt that the porn industry is dominated by men. It is therefore not the idea of developing the industry in favour of women that is upsetting – this is something that many women would welcome - it is the fact that it is happening with our tax money under the cloak of feminism. By labeling lesbian sex as feminist, it also contributes to the prejudiced notion that the equality debate is all about excluding men and privileging women.'

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Feminists hate pornography. Unless its lesbian porn. Remember Andrea Dworkin? She led a crusade to ban pornography but freedom of speech/expression prevailed.

Reminds me of the Vagina Monologues. The original play included a woman having a sexual encounter with a 13 year old girl. I think it was described as 'good rape'. Eventually Eve Elsner changed the age to 16 and eliminated the word rape.

RIP Andrea Dworkin :) -- She's probably driving Satan crazy with her plans to feminize hell. I suspect Dworkin is trying to oust Lucifer and take complete control of the fire and brimstone. Talk about an epic battle. Luckily for Andrea enforcements are on their way with the passing of Marilyn French. I never wish death upon anyone, but when a person lives a life of hate, their fate is inevitable.

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Of course feminism is about excluding men and making women a priviledged class, it's already the case in many countries. Also it's plainly obvious that feminism and lesbianism go hand in hand, they're both self-centred and narcissistic. This BS about "stereotypical gender roles" is basically a means of implanting lesbianism as a valid "alternative" to being heterosexual into women's consciousness. For the most part it already is working to a degree, more and more women are having relationships with other women. Feminists long held idea of lesbianism as a form of political activism could be realised in 10 to 20 years if current trends in society are anything to go by. It maybe be politically incorrect to say this but the gay movement and feminism are working towards the same goal. Destorying heterosexuality. They both share a common hatred of heterosexual men, they both wish to indoctrinate children at school with their ideology.

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why are we constantly having to fund EVERYTHING
they want, or are perceived to need?

what a sorry lot modern western woman has become.

all victim, all the time. send $$$$$.

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