"Circumcision: What could go wrong?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Excessive bleeding; This is among the commonest complications and Dr Senoga explains that while it could be because the vessels are not closed off properly, it could also be a case out of anyone’s control. “Unfortunately, we don’t do prior health checks to determine each individual’s health predisposition; we assume everyone is normal. But there are people with a tendency to over bleed and these usually bleed excessively after circumcision,” he explains. In this case, the person would have to be watched and helped by doctors to curb the bleeding.
Local infection/sepsis; Also among the mostly likely complications, this is usually due to poor hygiene during or after the procedure. “This usually arises from those things people add thinking they are healing the wound, instead making the wound septic,” says the doctor adding, “Only a doctor should tend to that wound.”
Penile adhesions: Here, the remaining foreskin re-attaches and forms scar tissue, and infection, usually a result of poor circumcision procedure.
Of course the benefits outweigh the possibility of complications so these shouldn’t be reason for one to shun the procedure. Ensure that you seek out not only qualified but also experienced medical personnel for the procedure.'

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"Of course the benefits outweigh the possibility of complications so these shouldn’t be reason for one to shun the procedure."

Gee doc, that really is a matter for the individual to decide after he has become an adult, don't you think? The benefits outweigh the complications that may arise if you have your nostrils surgically widened. But do we do that to infants or leave that up to people who are adults?

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Penile adhesions:

About 4 years I had a procedure correcting a 'skin flap' which was a result of reattached scar tissue. Granted, it was a simple in patient procedure performed by a urologist, but botched circumcisions are in no way rare.

I had it my whole life and never really thought much of it until an ex- girlfriend asked me -- "why it looked that way". I got very embarrassed but she said it wasn't really noticeable and thought it was 'cool'. I appreciated her honesty.

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Apparently alot considering the length of the article.

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