"13 signs he's dating a loser"
Article here. Excerpt:
"I've had a bumpy ride as a single gal and have dated many guys who weren't worth my time. But that doesn't mean a girl can't be a dud, too! Case in point? That tragic and terrible VH1 show "Megan Wants a Millionaire," about a girl who's just looking for a rich guy to pay the bills.
For all you men out there, check out the 12 signs that you may be dating a loser. See someone you recognize? If you're smart, you'll lose her.
1. Dirty-flirty double standard: She flirts with dudes in front of you, shamelessly. Then, she gets super mad and makes a scene if you so much as give a cute waitress your order.
2. She needs to do everything with you: It's one thing to share experiences, but it's another thing to need someone to hold your hand all the time. When it goes beyond wanting to spending time together to demanding it constantly, you have to wonder, what's her problem?'
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Sex As A Weapon
4. Sex as a weapon: Putting out is the bartering chip she's been using since her school days, but it's a cheap ploy. A clever woman who respects herself doesn't have to abuse her sexual power.
Sounds like every woman I ever dated and it is the case with the one I married.
Oh well the kid is nearly 18 and then I'm a moving on. Where is that Viagra?
Sex as a Weapon?
How do you take that "weapon" away from women? Stop putting such a high premium on sex.
Problem solved.
Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights
Number 13
She criticizes and/or complains too much. As do most women.
Kris's dating advice
So this list was written by a women? I also think the best dating advise comes from the gender you will be dating.
Here is Kris's dating advice for men. Take it or leave it
1 never date strippers
2. remember that past behavior is the BEST indicator of future behavior
3 make sure your friends like her. it would be a bitch if you had to choose between her or your buddies
4 Let her see you at your worst to see how she handles it, and to see if she can bring you back up (or if she just beats you down lower)
5 see her without her make up before you establish a relationship
6 Remember that sex is risky. If it isn't incredible it really isn't worth it
7 women love compliments. Be sure to tell her that she is beautiful ( if a guy says that to me, I am like putty in his hands)
8 If a girl tells you she is a diva or high maintenance -believe it! If she is bold enough to say it (even as a joke) you are in for misery.
9 only date girls that can cook and clean (I don't know why, I just think it's a plus)
10. chivalry - it's spoken a lot about here, but I can;t imagine a guy getting a girl w/o it. Open doors and carry heavy items or you will look like a complete idiot.
***The above was written while killing time in a waiting room, please don't take it too seriously, although I do think it's all good advice!***
My only two dating rules
#1 Never start a relationship with a woman who eats more then you. If you take a girl out to dinner and she sucks down a 32 ounce ribeye -- your in trouble. Also be careful of a woman who puts mayonnaise on everything!
#2 Never date a woman who's favorite movie is 'Thelma and Louise'. I think that's self explanatory.
You forgot the obvious
Never date Thelma or Louise either:)
I would like more details on number 1
As I know several strippers and several guys who work in strip clubs as bouncers I would love to hear your reasoning as to why one should not date strippers. Keep in mind I am in total agreement with you that a sane man should never date a stripper, but I'd love to hear what your reasoning is on the issue.
Kris to Paragon:
short answer: If a guy really wants a stripper, he should just pay for the sex and avoid the drama.
I've never met a stripper that did not come without a lot of drama.
Some of my good friends are strippers, but they put their boyfriends through hell.
PS- MORE FREE ADVICE..... In addition to 'never date strippers' : never let them borrow your car or loan them money.
I do not let anyone borrow my truck
People who do not drive trucks tend to be bad at backing them up and parking them and I do not want the indentation of a pole in my bumper.
So why do you remain good friends with them if they bring along so much drama?
The strippers I know are not close friends, just acquaintances that travel in some of the same circle I do and I would not have it any other way because they are terribly self centered, overindulgent, shallow individuals who somehow think the money they make now will continue forever despite the fact that we all grow old eventually.
More free advice...
More free advice.....
If you ever have a BBQ invite Asian people!!
I'm so glad I did. My brother married a Filipino girl, and she brought some family members; and my husband invited a Korean co-worker who brought his family.
They each brought an ethnic BBQ recipe of marinated meat, and they started to compete with each other! It was like a cook off!!
As far as flavor goes it was really a draw. Both were sweet and spicy, but the Koreans used a better cut of meat.
So we have been drinking and cooking all day. I love BBQ's!
I also came to find out that the Filipinos traditionally do a whole pig in the ground BBQ style just like the Hawaiians do (my family is Hawaiian). I don't know how to cook a pig, but they do.
Now they are searching for a spot in my yard to dig a "pig oven".
This is great!!!! As I want to do a traditional Hawaiian Luau with a roasted pig before summer ends and they have offered to help.
I forgot to anwser Paragon's
I forgot to anwser Paragon's question above...
I should correct myself a bit as "good friends" is kind of a stretch. Most of them are not so much 'good friends' but rather friends of friends. One actually was a good friend of mine years ago, but we only see each other once in awhile now.
Before I was a nurse, back when I had a life, I was a dancer (not a stripper) and I come across a few former strippers in the dance industry.
I keep my distance from them because of the drama.