'Don't blame all Muslims, but don't blame all men either'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The other explanation of honour killings is ideological. It originates at least partly, often primarily, in the need of ideological feminists (as distinct from egalitarian ones) to score political points by denying the importance of cultural differences. Consider Aysan Sev'er, a sociologist at the University of Toronto. During a televised interview with Mutsumi Takahashi, she argued that the underlying cause of honour killings is not Islam but misogyny. And misogyny prevails not only in Islamic countries. She implied, therefore, that Canada is really not much better for women than Afghanistan is...
Another implication is much more sophisticated but also much more sinister: the belief that violence against women is the primal and universal crime. Unlike women, from this point of view, men have some profound desire to subjugate women though also, in a derived sense, other men. From this, it supposedly follows that violence against women underlies all forms of violence and all forms of oppression; even men who do not commit acts of violence against women presumably benefit from the acts of other men and therefore participate in their guilt.

This brings us to the heart of this ideological explanation for honour killings: the notion of "collective guilt," according to which some people are evil by virtue of their genetic identity. But blaming all men is surely no better than blaming all women, all Muslims, all immigrants, and so on. Both sexism and racism are forms of prejudice. Both, in fact, rely on genetically defined enemies.'

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Logical and very well thought out.

I didn't know until I got to the end, that the authors also wrote "Spreading Misandry" and "Legalizing Misandry."

Any of us that meet either of these folks should either buy them a beer, or volunteer to mow their lawns.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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